The Dating Scene

Remember high school? When there was a big dance every couple of months and people went a little crazy during that time? Everyone trying to find their perfect match, both in dancing partner and in attire. The past few months have felt a little like that as I’ve been interviewing for different jobs. Of course, the most interviews occurred the exact same week we were moving (and hopefully that explains my extra stressed self). A few more followed after that and drama (or melodrama) ensued.

Interviewing is very similar to dating as you look to find a fit. The interviews grow longer each time you meet and the questions become more personal. Maybe they buy you dinner or maybe they tell you their best jokes so you’ll like them. Simultaneously, they are dating a few other girls and it starts to resemble an episode of the Bachelor. I put my heart on the line and hoped for the best. Meanwhile, another boy or two had their eye on me. One was just looking for a friend, one wasn’t really ready for a relationship and yet another just wouldn’t give up. I had that awkward boy pursuing me who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Honey, I think we’ll both be happier this way. Find the girl who likes you back.

Ultimately, I was heart broken. My metaphorical guy (in the shape of a job) broke my heart and my real-life guy (the one that I’m married to) brought home flowers. It was an ugly break-up on my end. I’ve never cried so much over a job I never had. They chose the other girl and being the runner-up just doesn’t really count for anything. I’ve gone through all the stages of a typical break-up the past month. First, I played it cool and casual when he broke the news over the phone. Then I texted a friend or two before going home that weekend to watch movies and burst into tears at any given moment. I tried to forget all about it but ended up being distant and distracted. I cried after he called to say his friend might be interested in someone like me, but went to meet the friend anyway. I questioned the validity of the relationship and tried to find the signs I had missed in the past. I sent out resumes and considered either a serious rebound with that awkward job or curling up and never working again. Finally, I did the sensible thing and got back out there in the dating world of jobs.

To be continued…

Thursday Three

How the heck is it already Thursday!? I’ll admit that on Tuesday I felt it must be Thursday for sure. But since then the week has been quick. Maybe I just have too much to look forward to or maybe it’s that I have too much stuff I meant to do (and unpack? still? I know) and haven’t yet. Well, come on out weekend. Take it, three.

1. The beach was OFF THE CHAIN. Okay, so maybe I’ve seen too much Mel B in America’s Got Talent lately. But it was really amazing. I got to see some of my little loves (I wish there was a plural to niece and nephew that combined both words) and a lot of ocean. The waves were prime for boogie boarding, and we even managed to stop at a great little furniture shop and get some new pieces full of character. So what if we got locked out for several hours and when I finally did make it in, managed to shatter two glass pot lids? It’s always some sort of adventure. We also ended up eating the best crab, scallops and donuts in town. Yum.




2. Date night should be mandatory. We used to be in a great habit of taking a date night every week. Then we moved and saw way too much of only each other and felt more of a need to have “find some friends” nights. With the craziness of the past month and a nearly expired groupon, it was long overdue. We had dinner at a new (to us) restaurant and really enjoyed our time together. Let me just say loud and clear that – I love my husband. Seriously. That man has had a heck of a month and he’s handled it with such strength. I really appreciate him and am rather proud of him. He’s a good guy, and I’m blessed to have him.

3. No, we are not unpacked yet. One of these days I will show you some pictures of the INSIDE of this little yellow house, but don’t hold your breath. With a busy month and a few out of town weekends, it’s been a little less of a priority. We will get there though. Tonight I had high hopes of accomplishing a lot but instead had an impromptu dinner with a family from church and am grateful for that time well spent.


When we first started telling friends and family we were moving without much of a plan last year, we got a mix of responses. Some people literally told us we were crazy, others said it was the time in life to do it while still others just gave us a bit of a blank look and wished us luck. What caught me off-guard more than anything was when a few people told us they were inspired. Inspired? Are you sure that’s the emotion you’re feeling?

At the time I felt that what we were doing was a mix of stupidity and courage. Or at least, that’s the story I went with. Simultaneously I was repeatedly trying to talk myself into the crazy scheme and crying every other night with questions, fears and worries. I was kinda freaking out, to put it lightly. Nothing about it seemed inspiring to me. It was confusing and complicated and ridiculous.

A year later, settled (ish) into our new life and home, it’s as if we’ve always been here. Now, someone else is telling the story about how they are changing lives and doing something crazy. There’s excitement and change in the air. Something big is about to happen. And I’m sitting here feeling inspired. Feeling a bit of a nudge to stop sitting back. I want to be a mover and a shaker. It’s time to tap into more of those dreams and goals and kick them into gear.

The Drive

Sometimes, I sit all day in that desk staring at a computer trying so hard to will myself to enter more monotonous data that I simply cannot do it. My mind is racing with all of the interesting and creative things I could be doing. I sit all day longing to write and dream and do. Often though, my creativity wanes. After over an hour of sitting in traffic just trying to get home, I finally check the mail, grab something to eat and plop down, maybe even ready myself to write. Instead I read and analyze all of the creativity the rest of the world managed to produce and then find myself without anything more to add.

I hate those days. All of that pent up creativity and enthusiasm lost somewhere between my desk and my home. Those things should not be so far away, in the literal or metaphorical sense. Because I have a lot of things to write and say. I have a lot of places to dream about visiting and later experience firsthand. People to love. Life to live.

This Week’s Three

I missed Thursday and broke my streak of Thursday Threes. Next week I’ll hopefully return to my favorite night of blogging. This week has just been so inside out, upside down that I haven’t been able to keep up with anything it seems. It hasn’t exactly been the easiest week but grateful for the weekend. Here’s the three…

1. The hubby had a birthday. It was a great night of friends and food as we had people in our backyard for a “chill out, grill out”. I strung lights from the house to the tree and it was just the most adorable little thing. We had a great night soaking up time with friends and celebrating his years.

2. It’s been a really long week.There were disappointments, stressors and misunderstandings. There was also grace, forgiveness and blessings. I’m grateful for what we have and incredibly eager to move forward.

3. The beach hat is officially on, and it is time to hit some waves! We are driving out to the ocean in T-minus 5 minutes (did I say that correctly?) to spend a day and a half with the hubby’s sister, kids and husband. Looking forward to it. Hoping it will prove to be relaxing.

Thursday Three

Just three simple truths tonight.

1. Life is busy. It just is sometimes. This week and last week and the week before is that way. Our church is moving this week and life between home and church has way too many parallels right now. Boxes left and right, Ikea furniture on the brain and lots of miscellaneous details. But in the end, it will all somehow come together and is an exciting next step in our lives.

2. Friends are good. We’ve been blessed with some really good friends. Friends who listen and support us, close by and from farther away. A lot of times we have the same stories, struggles and jokes, but they still laugh and listen and care. Thanks, friends. You make an impact and also make the days better.

3. God is in control. About a year and a half ago when we were starting to seriously consider moving and had a few details on the table that we were trying to figure out, we were a total wreck. Neither of us were sleeping well and we were just little stressballs. On a day we knew a few big things were being decided, I put a little post-it up in the bathroom. My pen was weak and I ended up making a mess of it with a marker. It’s not the prettiest looking reminder,  but it was nothing but truth. I still have that note and it still applies in our life today. So although there are things I am stressing out about now, I know this to be true.

Whatever happens – it’s good. And from God. He has us taken care of.


Something about the Ocean

Yesterday we hit the beach. Despite a house full of boxes and a long to-do list, I’m so glad we went. I’m not sure that I can ever get tired of going to be by the ocean. There’s something about it that releases my worries for a moment and gives an incredible calm.

There’s something about the ocean that is supreme. All around it feels like a celebration with brightly colored umbrellas and children screaming with glee. Yet at the same time, there is a surpassing peace as the waves tumble back and forth. There is power in those waves, yet floating among them grants a sense of comfort and contented ease. While it may be noisy surrounded by all of that unbridled joy, the waves still overcome and quiet the sound.

It reminds me of God and all of His glory. He’s here, powerful as ever, yet a comfortable place of peace. I know his strength cannot be matched but I am able to find rest. There is so much to celebrate and praise Him for, but no song of worship or shout of joy can ever compare to the magnitude of His love and what He’s done for us.

Thursday Three

This week has been…eventful. We crossed the year mark, crossed the threshold and crossed off about a tenth of the things on our to-do list. It’s been a little nutty, but oh, so good. I’m really excited for this new chapter in our lives and also pretty excited to jump into September and put some of the stress of August behind us.

1. Moving = interesting mishaps + creative solutions. This last week/weekend was the big move. We had friends help and by the time they arrived, we were ready to just shove everything into any box, container, blanket or backpack you could find. The truck ended up being one shared with someone else moving on Saturday, and we had a few little mishaps that brought about some interesting solutions. For instance, the dryer ended up being a three-prong plug when it should have been a four. Unfortunately, the one we purchased to fix it was for an oven, not a dryer…a small detail that was only realized after it was completely hooked up. Whoops. A wheel from our bed frame broke and in effort to retain the bed frame and keep it from breaking, we substituted with a can of tuna. Yes, really. I half expected there to be some sort of hole in the tin can one morning and a stench to greet the neighbors. Thankfully, that has been amended as well. Finally, the day before we thought the lease was up on our apartment ended up actually being the last day on our lease, requiring quite the rapid clean-up in the end. Whew. This move has kept us on our toes and provided some sleepy eyes and tired feet.


2. Our house is the cutest.
I know I’m biased, but it just is. The inside isn’t exactly much to look at right now, so let’s just focus on the outside.


See?? Also, have I mentioned that directly across the street there is a chocolate shop? Seriously. If I gain weight, we’ll know that the little yellow house is to blame. But really, we are incredibly glad to have moved here and to have friends nearby. At some point maybe we’ll get ourselves together enough to show some bits and pieces of the inside, but for now we’ll just live out of boxes and plan our trip to Ikea.

3. Timing is a big deal. There are certain things in our life that never would have worked if they had happened a few years ago or even a few months ago. There are still a lot of things that seem to be in the works right now, but it feels like the right timing for them. I promise to elaborate later, but all I know is the God’s timing is always better than mine. It really is.

3. (part B) I read this recently and was struck by it. I know I’ve read it before but it was good to have a reminder. Not to mention, it’s a really funny visual to hand a kid a snake…

Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:9-10

365 days later

A year ago today we arrived in the Raleigh area. We had been in North Carolina just shy of three weeks and were ready to take on our new surroundings. On August 27th we drove into town, rented a truck and started the transition into our new life. We gathered all of our belongings from a storage unit and hired a guy to help us move it into our new apartment. Amidst the heat, our fish died and between that, the suffocating humidity and the magnitude of our duties for the remainder of the day, we contemplated a few tears. But all in all, we knew it was the start of something new, brand new. New jobs were on the table, a new (to us) couch was in the truck and North Carolina had just gained two new residents.

We laughed and cried, fought and made up, grieved our losses and celebrated our successes…all of the Hallmark emotions were there. Throughout the year, we rediscovered why we were best friends, as well as why we still need other friends. We attended festivals and parties and became incredibly bold in “friending” people, not just in the social media sense. We found new jobs and left the jobs we had when we first arrived. We checked out schools and planned for our future, not knowing how different it would later be, yet still managed to both attend school a year later. We found a church that we visited on accident, only to become a bigger part of it than we imagined. We saw several East Coast cities and maybe even managed to find our favorite seafood restaurant near the beach. We bought a new fish and tried new hobbies. Holidays were different—we didn’t have a tree but we still had our annual Christmas card. Somewhere along the way we made new friends and kept in contact with some of our old friends, just in a different way than before.

Today was the last day in our apartment. Thankfully, the bulk of our stuff has already been moved. By our new friends. To our new (rented) house. A year later and here we are—still loving living here. This new place seems to solidify it a little more for us. We want to settle in and invest in our community. We want to call this home and put down roots.  We felt the little inklings last year that it was a turning point in our lives, and now we know that to be true. It’s been a great (hard/interesting/challenging/different/crazy/surprising/strange/wonderful) year here, and we’re excited for year two and all it might bring.

Thursday Three

It’s here! It’s finally here! That week of crazy we’ve all been waiting for!! Work has been nuts-o, school has started, we’re moving and why not throw a couple of curve balls in there? Bottom line, God is good.

1. Writing allows me to work it all out. Saturday I got the chance to go to a half-day more or less writing seminar. It was good to get a little nudge to keep doing what I love and maybe even dream about using my voice beyond the Thursday Three and my 15 faithful readers (you are the best though, of course). An author from Nashville gave some pointers and had some good things to say, but mostly it was just good to have a little time to think and dream. I was surrounded by others who had a passion and a voice and somewhere in there, I have that too.

2. Station wagons continue to be my dream car. Okay, practicality aside, I’ve always oddly loved Jaguars. Not really sure why, maybe it’s that tiny little leaping figurine at the hood of the car, but regardless, it ain’t in the cards. Hence, the station wagon. As long as I can remember I’ve thought it to be the best of both worlds and the car for me. This week, dreams really do come true, as we have borrowed someone else’s to move boxes across town to our new little abode. All of our dishes seem to be in one place while all of our clothes are in the other. Good luck guessing which is which. Slowly, we’re chipping away and trying to ready ourselves for this weekend which I lovingly call, “major haul” during which the remainder will be toted over. 

3. Everywhere I turn, it’s back to school! Granted, yes, I work at a school. But still. The hubby starts his class this week, my sister started at her new university, my sister-in-law started teaching at her local college this week and a few friends are going back for various programs, classes and degrees. If all goes well, I might be joining in next week with one night class on nonprofit management. I figured I might as well get a graduate level course under my belt, and I’ve gone back and forth between excitement and apprehension. It’s only been a few years but after seeing the syllabus and realizing the homework I’ll have to add to my routine I wasn’t sure what to think. I’m hoping though to learn a little and gain some understanding and just take it one step at a time.  Who knows what life will bring.