When we first started telling friends and family we were moving without much of a plan last year, we got a mix of responses. Some people literally told us we were crazy, others said it was the time in life to do it while still others just gave us a bit of a blank look and wished us luck. What caught me off-guard more than anything was when a few people told us they were inspired. Inspired? Are you sure that’s the emotion you’re feeling?
At the time I felt that what we were doing was a mix of stupidity and courage. Or at least, that’s the story I went with. Simultaneously I was repeatedly trying to talk myself into the crazy scheme and crying every other night with questions, fears and worries. I was kinda freaking out, to put it lightly. Nothing about it seemed inspiring to me. It was confusing and complicated and ridiculous.
A year later, settled (ish) into our new life and home, it’s as if we’ve always been here. Now, someone else is telling the story about how they are changing lives and doing something crazy. There’s excitement and change in the air. Something big is about to happen. And I’m sitting here feeling inspired. Feeling a bit of a nudge to stop sitting back. I want to be a mover and a shaker. It’s time to tap into more of those dreams and goals and kick them into gear.