Remember high school? When there was a big dance every couple of months and people went a little crazy during that time? Everyone trying to find their perfect match, both in dancing partner and in attire. The past few months have felt a little like that as I’ve been interviewing for different jobs. Of course, the most interviews occurred the exact same week we were moving (and hopefully that explains my extra stressed self). A few more followed after that and drama (or melodrama) ensued.
Interviewing is very similar to dating as you look to find a fit. The interviews grow longer each time you meet and the questions become more personal. Maybe they buy you dinner or maybe they tell you their best jokes so you’ll like them. Simultaneously, they are dating a few other girls and it starts to resemble an episode of the Bachelor. I put my heart on the line and hoped for the best. Meanwhile, another boy or two had their eye on me. One was just looking for a friend, one wasn’t really ready for a relationship and yet another just wouldn’t give up. I had that awkward boy pursuing me who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Honey, I think we’ll both be happier this way. Find the girl who likes you back.
Ultimately, I was heart broken. My metaphorical guy (in the shape of a job) broke my heart and my real-life guy (the one that I’m married to) brought home flowers. It was an ugly break-up on my end. I’ve never cried so much over a job I never had. They chose the other girl and being the runner-up just doesn’t really count for anything. I’ve gone through all the stages of a typical break-up the past month. First, I played it cool and casual when he broke the news over the phone. Then I texted a friend or two before going home that weekend to watch movies and burst into tears at any given moment. I tried to forget all about it but ended up being distant and distracted. I cried after he called to say his friend might be interested in someone like me, but went to meet the friend anyway. I questioned the validity of the relationship and tried to find the signs I had missed in the past. I sent out resumes and considered either a serious rebound with that awkward job or curling up and never working again. Finally, I did the sensible thing and got back out there in the dating world of jobs.
To be continued…