Smoky mountains
Connect by Disconnecting
Sometimes, the best way to connect with people is by turning off your phones and computers and actually being with them. That’s what we’ll be doing for the next day and a half for a mini-trip to the mountains.
Feel free to join me.
Don’t Stop Dreaming
You can’t stop dreaming. Sometimes I get caught in the middle of what I have to do and what I’m already doing and lose track of what I want to do. But that glimmer of excitement and adventure has to stay. If nothing else but to get me out of bed in the morning and to continue doing those things I don’t want to do but have to.
Three Years
Three years being united as one
Quote: Live a Life
…I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Inspiration: Adventures
Inspiration: Good
Simple Girl
I’m just a simple girl
living in this world.
Doesn’t matter where,
country, city or suburb,
I’m going to stay that way.
True to who I am,
true to how He wants me to be.
Only He can make sense of me.
Summer Love
Sweet love. Our life doesn’t always look quite this idyllic, but then again, sometimes it does.
Quote: Worrying
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life ?