Thursday Three

It’s time for that weekly wrap-up that I like to call the Thursday Three. Alliteration is awesome.

1. The job search is on. I keep getting asked for status updates on the job search and all I can say at this point is that it is on. For those who haven’t been on a job searching journey recently, let me explain. Except in rare cases, it is not a one-time thing. You interview and send cover letters and network and do all the things until you think you can’t do it anymore. And then do it some more. It’s tiring, but I’m hopeful. I don’t want to go on like it’s all bad, but the thing is that it doesn’t have a clear outcome until you have an actual offer. I’ve been a finalist several times in the past few months, but they don’t let you put that on your resume. So, I’ll just keep going until I find the right thing for me.

2. We’re more than just married…now, we’re a band. This weekend was our official big debut at our friends’ coffee shop. We played for around an hour and a half but then a while later, did an encore set. I was nervous the first few songs, but soon really started to enjoy it. There’s something very vulnerable about singing songs you wrote (we sang 9 originals), but it’s good.

We still need a band name... Photo by John -
We still need a band name…
Photo by John –

3. Sometimes it’s worth being silly, just because. Do something to make someone laugh today. Write a funny story or be ridiculous. Maybe they need it or maybe you need it.

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  • Scoochie Mama

    Yippee! Being in a band with your best friend and husband can last a lifetime and you get to share precious time, creative energy, and experiences together. I can’t wait to get to one of your shows.

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