Thursday Three

Regardless of any blogging challenge, the Thursday Three is ingrained in my brain. Speaking of things ingrained in the brain…according to my book on tape (aka audiobook) if you rhyme a statement, people seem to think there is more truth in it than a statement that means the very same thing but doesn’t rhyme. Crazy, eh?

1. Sometimes we all need to get away. Last weekend at the mountains was a great way to do that. We hiked a mountain, walked around town, ate some BBQ and stumbled across a small wine festival. All in all, a good time.

Blue Ridge Mountains | Moving Peaces

2. Sometimes we fall apart. Appearances aside, we all struggle with something. No one is perfect. No one has it all figured out. The more we compare ourselves to others, more more lies we convince ourselves of. So let’s just take that idyllic little trip to the mountains and add a bit of “life feeling like a lot.” There you have it. Reality.

3. Sometimes we need a night off. This week has been just as full as always, but sometimes we need a night in our ugly comfy clothes and the blogging is simply short and sweet.

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  • Deb


  • Patricia

    Looking forward to the weekend so I could just visit the beach (no hiking trips just yet), have a photo walk, write, and try not to overthink.

    Ah, and I appreciate #2 🙂

  • Neive Osborn

    I so agree with number 2! I have a really bad habit of comparing myself to others, something I really need to work on.

    Neive xx

  • Tawni Sattler

    Yes, Amen to #2! Lately I’ve been comparing myself to others SO MUCH MORE than I ever did before. You’d think “growing up” would mean… well, GROWING UP. As in, not constantly putting myself down and wondering when or how I’ll ever be as successful or as put together as the next girl. But then I have a day like #3, and all is well again. 🙂

    Thanks for this post! Short and sweet but beautifully written!