Thursday Three

You know the drill. Time for the Thursday Three. Let’s do this!

1. My husband has a new love: the garden. Last weekend half the neighborhood decided it was time to plant, so an all-day adventure ensued. From the tomato lady to the farmers’ market and house to house, we all managed to put some dirt and veggies in the ground. For whatever reason the prime planting time seemed to occur after dark. Now we just get to watch our little garden grow (and it’s going to be even better than last year’s).

Neighborhood Gardening | Moving Peaces
Selfie by Cindy…because she’s awesome


Night Gardening | Moving Peaces

2. Cars break. Or the A/C does when you live in the South. Sigh. So annoying. I hate spending so much money on lame things like car repairs when I know I could fly to Hawaii for about the same amount. The downside of older cars is never knowing when to say, “No more repairs, time for a different car.” We had a pretty good (albeit busy) week…but I just wanted to keep things real and let you know that our car is feeling finicky.

3. Blogging has its perks. Honestly, the biggest perk is getting to connect with people, be it in person or online. I love getting emails from people telling me their story or someone coming up to me and saying how much a certain post meant to them. As much as I write just because I love it, I write in hopes of encouraging or inspiring someone else.

Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own
Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own

Also…blogging sometimes has perks in the form of swag and I’m not about to turn that opportunity down. Tonight I attended a local blogging event where I got to meet so many other lovely bloggers while we ate PDQ (good chicken) and checked out what is to come for the Southern Women’s Show this weekend. I figured, why not? I’m a Southern woman now, right? And then they gave us more swag than I knew what to do with.

Swag Bag | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

Thursday Three


I had high hopes of sharing so many wonderful things with you via blog post earlier this week. (Because we all know it’s high time I finally posted some photos from our trip.) Alas, the week got away from me, and you’ll just have to keep waiting. Soon. But for now, let’s keep with the regularly scheduled programming. I know you know it’s time for the Thursday Three, so here we go.

1. There are rules and then there are realities. We all have things we need to do and it is what it is (like taxes or sleeping). But then there are things we feel we need to do, like blog more often or dust the ceiling fan or create a bucket list or say yes to everything. These are the things that pile up fast and seem to stress me out the most. The reality is, I don’t have to do all of those things all the time.

So maybe I spent more time with friends this week and less time writing–that’s okay. Maybe next week I’ll write 3 blog posts and finally practice ukulele, or maybe I’ll just go for a bike ride every day instead. Here’s what I’m getting at: We impose these goals and expectations on ourselves sometimes that aren’t actual necessities. That in itself is not a bad thing so long as we learn to make the distinction. So try not to get caught up in the stress of things that aren’t actually required and enjoy the life you do have. (Also, please don’t ever examine the top of my ceiling fan.)

2. Don’t spend all your time on the couch. Sure, sometimes we all need a breather, and I’ve definitely got my shows on Netflix. But try to make the time you have count. Don’t let it stress you out, but explore new opportunities and try new things. Plant a garden, try yoga, check out a networking event, read a book–you know, things.


3. We all do a little trial and error. Often it feels like if we don’t get something right the first or second time, it must not be for us. While I think we each have different talents and gifts, we have to leave room for trial and error. That’s part of learning and persevering. So much of life is full of trial and error…so just go ahead and try.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

This week’s three comes to you from my dark little house as it thunders and lightnings (?) outside. Don’t worry, my power is still on…I just somehow feel like a power outage is less frightening if the lights are already off. I know, I’m weird. My sleep was so rudely interrupted last night by much thunder and lightning, so I rather appreciate the dark at the moment anyway.

1. Rainy days will come. Is it just me or do we forget the rain that comes with spring? As soon as the sun is shining, the birds start singing and a flower pops up from the ground I am so eager to declare, “spring is here!” It’s as if happiness can start again with the fresh season. But then there’s the rain and startling thunderstorms that remind me that growth takes both sunny days and rainy ones (why there has to be thunder, I’ll never really know). Thunderstorms late at night feel especially ominous, and I’m not sure if it’s just my memories of bailing out hundreds of gallons of water in our basement or because it feels like the sky is falling therefore things won’t go quite as “planned.” We can’t control the weather, just like we can’t control so many things in our life. That’s a hard pill to swallow (and I am the worst at swallowing pills…takes at least three gulps of water).

If you were able to follow all of the times I went back and forth between literal and metaphorical just now, I commend you. The point is, we have good days among a season of bad ones and bad days in a season of good. We are given no guarantees as to what life will bring.

2. Sometimes you have an awesome day or moment and no pictures to show for it. I had a couple of good days and moments this week: time with lovely friends, long walks in the city, an impromptu doughnut run and tennis with the hubby. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

3. Easter brings a lot of emotion. There are so many cute kids in dress clothes (sometimes even in bonnets!) hunting for eggs and baskets. The churches are full and people eat ham. But without all that, Easter might feel like just another day. Except it’s not. It’s not about pastel colors or brunch or sugar-covered marshmallows. Easter is about redemption. That’s what brings me joy.

Easter with Friends | Moving Peaces


Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Well, we’ve made it to another Thursday. Did you hear that? YOU MADE IT!! Congrats on getting through another week! I think we need to have that mentality a little more in life. I was reading a book recently that was a memoir of sorts and the couple said they got in the habit of saying “I woke up” in the mornings just to remind themselves of the wonder and awe in that statement. So when I stopped by a new local business today and the owner said they’d been open for two weeks I couldn’t help but reply, “You made it two weeks! Congrats!” 

1. Spring has sprung! This week just feels more alive now that people are spending time outside, we got to take a bike ride and the sun shines on past supper time. Halleluiah. Like most people, winter is not my favorite regardless of how much (or how little) cold and snow we get–the long dark days are enough for me to dislike it. I think it’s safe to say, spring is finally here!

My favorite flowers - Oregon this time last year.
My favorite flowers in Oregon this time last year.

2. Quality time is better than quantity…but when possible, both are nice. Time is an important thing to me, and I love getting time with the people in my life. Our trip away meant we had plenty of time together, just the two of us. Upon our return we’ve been trying to see everyone and catch up, which has been awesome. We had missed out on some of the quantity and quality with friends while away, but we also quickly realized we were cramming our time so full that we weren’t seeing enough of each other already. Sounds silly after a trip with just us, but we quickly realized that we needed to continue to set time aside for each other.

3. Taking care of your health should always remain a priority. Health isn’t a given unfortunately, but you do have the opportunity to take care of yourself as much as you can. So use that opportunity. Invest in your health–physically and mentally. Maybe it’s time for that checkup or teeth cleaning…or maybe it’s just finding time to go for a walk or addressing some mental health needs. In some ways I feel like a fairly healthy person but in other ways I’ve had a run of different health mysteries and mishaps over the years that required my attention. It’s not always my favorite topic or way to spend my time/resources, but it is so important to our well-being. While the financial cost is often high, the quality of life cost is even higher if you don’t tend to it. So take care of yourself and the people around as best as you can.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

This might be a favorite week for me. Just maybe. I will say, I certainly do like it. Ready for the short and sweet?

Travel | Moving Peaces

1. Go on an adventure. We all have routines, and there are reasons for routines. Good reasons. But sometimes you have to get out of that routine and go. It takes time and effort (not to mention, money), but it’s worth it from time to time. Make sure you set aside time and take an adventure. Or just take the opportunity as soon as you see it. Even if it just means taking the bus to try a new restaurant in the town you already live in, go on an adventure. Because tell me, when was the last time you did that? Does it make you a little scared? It might be time to just go.

2. Take risks. Adventures don’t come without risks. Risks don’t always lead to rewards. It might not all pay off, but you’ve got to take that chance sometimes. It is the only real way to grow and learn and explore.

3. Don’t take a photo of everything you see or do. Some memories are better left without a photo. You get to relive them in your memory without remembering how the camera wasn’t working the way you wanted or you missed a shot or the pose was wrong or simply that the photo doesn’t do it justice. So then don’t. Just take in the moment as it is.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

This week’s three is coming in late due to an impromptu gig. I’ll leave you with the short and sweet.

1. Care for your community. The people on your street, the co-workers near your desk, the families at your church–whoever it may be, make sure to take time to care for them however you can.


2. Take the opportunities that come your way. There’s always a reason, excuse or insecurity to say no, but saying yes opens up a whole new set of possibilities. You never know.

Video Opp

3. Enjoy the day. Every day there is something–something bad, something good, something crazy. No matter what it is, try to take at least a minute and enjoy it.

Impromtu Gig

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Oh heyyyyyy! Have no fear because the Thursday Three is back. Sorry for the brief interlude. This month has been one of those months where a ton of great opportunities have come my way, and I just keep finding myself saying, “Yes!!” That is, until I crash because I can’t keep up and hide myself from the world. Then I just do what I have to do and a bunch of other things unfortunately get left out in the cold. Sorry little blog, I promise not to leave for more than a week again like that for some time.

1. February brings a lot of love. I mean, it’s cold and some people have mixed emotions about Valentine’s Day but it also has a lot of hearts and makes you want to spend some time with loved ones. We’ve been lucky enough to spend time with some great friends, traveling couchsurfers and each other. That says love to me.

Sweet FriendsCouchsurfers Valentine

2. Life brings pain. One minute my heart is full from so much love around me and the next minute it breaks for those who are hurting. I don’t have the answers, so just love those around you and pray hard.

3. Snow in the South shuts down the town. This past week the schools have been open for a half day–total. Maybe I hate the cold, but secretly I was glad to see a little snow. A few weeks ago we thought winter had completed escaped us, and it seemed strange to go a year with no snow. I can’t say that we got a lot, but happy to see a few flakes just the same.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

And it’s Thursday, yet again! This week has been one of those longest weeks ever, yet somehow I’m not quite ready for the weekend. I know, that sounds crazy. It might have something to do with the fact that we are playing some music this weekend at a local coffee shop and also have some couchsurfers headed our way for a few days. In both cases, I am nowhere near prepared. So if my harmonies are off tomorrow or my house isn’t quite clean enough for guests, I blame the following blog post and all of its contents.

1. Groundhog Day–the moment you realize more winter is coming regardless of what that marmot says. Thankfully, we can celebrate the dark of winter and be silly by throwing another Groundhog Party. Yep, we’re those freaks. I’ve been hosting such ridiculous parties since high school. Over the years, we’ve been given so many groundhog art pieces to adorn our home and brighten our February. Therefore, we feel it’s completely logical to invite a few people over and insist they bring some brown food with them.

Groundhog Party | Moving Peaces

2. You can’t do everything. With a lot of new and awesome opportunities coming my way this week (more on that later) I’ve definitely had to assess what is doable and where my priorities lie. Not always easy, but necessary. Sometimes I get caught up in wanting to do everything and pleasing everybody, but it just isn’t realistic. You’ve got to do the best with what you can and move forward.

3. I think half of the REI employees recognize me as soon as I arrive. (And probably roll their eyes, too). I have been seriously on the hunt for the best backpack ever. Wait, what? Didn’t I already blog about a new backpack? Yep. And then the hubby wanted a new backpack. So we ordered him one. And then I started second-guessing the one I brought home for myself. You see, it was more of a hiking backpack with so many straps and clips that I started envisioning a massive tangle walking down the street. Sigh. So, hours and hours after reading countless reviews I finally ordered a new one. We’ll see how this goes.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Where has the week gone? Just where?? I feel like the beginning of each week (you know, the Friday before) everything is totally clear and I have a wide open schedule. Try to catch me near the end of the week, and I have suddenly every moment packed in with no extra availability. The good news is, I’m keeping busy and it’s been fun. Today though, almost all my meetings got rescheduled, and I found some good time to work on some freelance projects.

1. I’m not where I was six months ago. Maybe from the outside I look like the same me and there’s definitely a core that has stayed the same, but I think my approach has shifted. A few different things came up this week that made me realize it, whether it was coming across old emails or considering opportunities and goals. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed being who I am now a lot more than who I was then. I had hoped to one day get to say that, so it’s likely I’ll have to expound upon that further at a later date.

2. I’m a prepper. I mean a planner…for our trip this spring. Wait, did you think I was a doomsday prepper? What?! (Quite the show though). This week I’ve been working on a little bit of Spanish with the Duolingo app (which is amazing). Further, I bought a new backpack! I was so thrilled that as soon as I brought it home I stuffed it with pillows and a bag of oranges to “practice” carrying it around. For nearly two days I had it strapped to my back. Once I take it out on some real adventures, I’ll tell you all about it, but for now, enjoy this embarrassing picture of me looking way too excited.

BACKPACKMy husband calls this my photo face…apparently I only make such a look when a camera is involved. I’d like to dispute such claims, but looking at last week’s Thursday Three…I can see where he’s coming from.

3. Remember your dreams. Sometimes it’s easy to say you have dreams and then instead of acting on them, watch Netflix five nights a week and then say there isn’t enough time in the day. There’s not enough time in the day. So cut some things out and set aside time focus on your dreams/goals. Time to think them through and also time to implement them. They won’t happen otherwise, trust me.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

1. Some dreams just aren’t meant to be. Like a true child of the eighties, I have wanted a perm for as long as I can remember. The notion of long, curly hair inspired me to finally spend four hours in rollers and marinating in rotten egg smelling chemicals. And then two months later (this week), I tried it again. Oh, you mean you didn’t see my perm in this year’s Christmas card? Well. Unfortunately, my hair and my brain have different opinions about having a perm. My friend and favorite stylist, Lacie, did all she could, but alas, slightly wavy is as curly as it gets for me. This go at a perm was more successful than the last, so we’ll see how long the waves stick!

Perm | Moving Peaces

2. Trip planning is certainly something. While I recently announced our big plans to head to South America this spring, we actually bought the tickets over a month ago. It wasn’t until this week that I realized that we had done little more than buy a few travel items since then (which I will surely share more about later). So, we set aside time to talk it over and map out what we think some of our time there will look like. The result? We purchased some domestic tickets and booked the first four nights in hostels/hotels! Now, if only all of that high school Spanish would come back to me…

3. Being available leads to great opportunities. I still don’t know where my life is going and that’s hard sometimes. On the flip side, I got to go outside for a nice long walk when it was a sunny 65 this week. I got to join in on last minute lunch plans and spent some quality time writing for various projects throughout the week. I am available for whatever might come next and that’s a great place to be.