Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Every hour in my day seems to fly on by and suddenly it’s Thursday. I feel like I can’t keep up with the clock…it just keeps going. Whew. Welcome to the (almost) weekend. You made it!

1. Growing up is like growing a garden. We’ve loved having a garden this summer–there’s nothing quite like some fresh tomatoes and basil (with cheese, of course). We’ve expanded this year’s garden to also include okra, spinach, cucumber, kale and a few herbs. But let me just say, it takes work. It requires daily attention, cutting out the bad and elements completely outside of our control (like good weather and no rabbits). In the same way, personal growth and development takes time and effort, working through and eliminating the bad and faithfully waiting through the variables we simply cannot control. A garden is the perfect reminder of that process.

Garden | Moving Peaces

2. We all have strengths and talents. Mine just happens to be writing incredible to-do lists. While you may never see me performing that in a talent show, it’s still pretty significant and can help out the people around me. So, use your talent. Even if it doesn’t belong in a frame or on a stage, it can still make an impact.

3. Rest is important. We live in a culture that praises busy and expects constant work. The problem is, that’s not sustainable, healthy or necessary. Yes, use your strengths but also, set aside time for rest. You can and should take some time to rest every day, every week, every month and every year. Take a break. It’ll be okay.


Thursday Three

Hey there, Thursday. Looks like you came and went without even giving me the chance to blog. So, hello midnight oil (or blue computer glow, whichever) and early morning Friday. I’m still only going to give you the typical three (no Friday Fives in this house), because I’m lazy tired.

1. Beach days are beneficial. We squeezed in a quick trip in to the beach this past weekend, and it paid in dividends of waves and sunshine. Thankfully, it’s only 2.5 hours away, we have good friends who welcome us into their home and we both absolutely love the ocean. Something about sitting out all day with only the sound of the waves, the sand under your feet and a small beach bag of essentials to get you through the day–it leaves room for the big conversations and a clear head. Plus there’s always the bonus salt water in your eyes, nose and mouth…what’s not to love?

Beach Day

2. Tell the people in your life what they mean to you. I’m not going to say it’s your last chance because this isn’t some sort of fear tactic. Tell them because they need encouragement and appreciation, and you are the perfect person to give it to them. Tell them because you want them to know.

3. Growing a garden takes work. But you knew that right? You have to water the plants, make sure they get enough sun and prune the branches until it grows the way it’s supposed to. Growing as a person takes work, too. You’re going to have super hot and miserable days, intense rain and some serious pruning. Expect it. So often I look around and ask why it is I am struggling with whatever thing is hard in my life at the time. But instead, I need to remember the pruning and energy that is taking place as I grow and develop and hopefully, one day, produce some sort of fruit.

Backyard Garden | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

You know the drill. Time for the Thursday Three. Let’s do this!

1. My husband has a new love: the garden. Last weekend half the neighborhood decided it was time to plant, so an all-day adventure ensued. From the tomato lady to the farmers’ market and house to house, we all managed to put some dirt and veggies in the ground. For whatever reason the prime planting time seemed to occur after dark. Now we just get to watch our little garden grow (and it’s going to be even better than last year’s).

Neighborhood Gardening | Moving Peaces
Selfie by Cindy…because she’s awesome


Night Gardening | Moving Peaces

2. Cars break. Or the A/C does when you live in the South. Sigh. So annoying. I hate spending so much money on lame things like car repairs when I know I could fly to Hawaii for about the same amount. The downside of older cars is never knowing when to say, “No more repairs, time for a different car.” We had a pretty good (albeit busy) week…but I just wanted to keep things real and let you know that our car is feeling finicky.

3. Blogging has its perks. Honestly, the biggest perk is getting to connect with people, be it in person or online. I love getting emails from people telling me their story or someone coming up to me and saying how much a certain post meant to them. As much as I write just because I love it, I write in hopes of encouraging or inspiring someone else.

Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own
Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own

Also…blogging sometimes has perks in the form of swag and I’m not about to turn that opportunity down. Tonight I attended a local blogging event where I got to meet so many other lovely bloggers while we ate PDQ (good chicken) and checked out what is to come for the Southern Women’s Show this weekend. I figured, why not? I’m a Southern woman now, right? And then they gave us more swag than I knew what to do with.

Swag Bag | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

Today has been a good day, which makes me want to proclaim that I love Thursdays. You have to agree, they tend to be a better day in the week, statistically speaking. Here are three things that have been happening this week!

1. GOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! I have recently joined the World Cup bandwagon. I’ve always been an Olympics enthusiast (to put it lightly) but hardly even knew when the World Cup occurred. For some reason this year I decided it was time to learn all about it. I spent much of my Monday researching all of the ins and outs of it, so by the time today’s game came around I was pumped. Go USA! Although they did not in fact win, they are advancing to the next round. Crazy, right?

2. We love where we live. I think I’ve mentioned this a time or two before but it seems like I fall in love with it over and over. We love our cute little yellow house that holds parties and people. We love our neighborhood and getting together with all of the great people in it. We love this city that has quickly become our home (and will soon be home to two new awesome people that are friends of ours!) and that we get to walk around downtown on a random night and pop inside the latest new restaurant a day before it opens. We love putting our roots here. Literally. I know our little garden doesn’t look like much but it’s grown a lot here and so have we.



3. The job search is still on. This week has been better though. A bit more hope and a little more general okay-ness about the situation for the time being. I’m also reading 48 Days to Work You Love and am enjoying some of its inspiration and information. I’d encourage anyone else questioning their job situation to pick it up at the library as there’s some good info. Or buy your own copy so you can highlight the heck out of it instead of taking a bunch of iphone pictures to remember it by.

