
I’m starting to think about that gulp of air. Sweaty hands rubbing. Biting my lower lip. “Um…”

Quitting isn’t easy. We’re both blessed that we like our jobs. We’re hoping that means our employers are also gracious when we tell each of them we’re leaving without another job. Turning down a good thing. Leaving something we enjoy.

Okay – interjection – as I’m typing this very blog post, a friend of mine texted to me say “I hate job hunting.” Everyone does! Oh my goodness, and I’m going to willingly give up a decent gig? Sigh. It’s part of the adventure I suppose.

But past all of that, I think we’re both sad to quit. Sad to leave our teams behind. We each work in tight-knit environments. On one hand, life will obviously go on without us and they functioned fine before us. But on the other hand, we’ve taken on some serious ownership in our jobs. We really care about the outcome of the work we do. We care about the people we work with. Quitting might cause some difficulty for those same people and the outcome of the work may suffer for a little while afterwards. That’s hard to take in. In a way, we’ll be the cause of that. Not too thrilled about that idea.

Unless something crazy happens though, we’ll be giving our notice in two and a half weeks.

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