About Having Babies

Grandma holding her baby - photo

Never did I think this would be a topic I would write about, at least not until maybe after the fact. But talk to any stranger in the grocery store all the way up to your best friends and suddenly it no longer feels like a personal matter. Everyone is quick to ask when we plan to have these sweet little cherubs.

If you had asked me in high school what I wanted to be when I grew up, I usually said something along the lines of “being a mom.” I’d start out by talking about college or maybe some sort of career in the meantime, but that wasn’t the real goal in my mind. When we got married, we told people we were on the “five-year plan” (why people feel they need to know that is beyond me). A couple years ago we joked with people that we were on the “nonstop five-year plan” meaning we were always five years out from having kids. The great thing about saying five years is that it is close enough that people are assured we think kids are in our future but far enough away that people hopefully stop asking us about it for awhile. Lately it feels like the questions have grown more serious and our “five-year” response isn’t doing the trick anymore–but I don’t really know. I’d still say give it time. Plenty of time. We’re in no real rush.

To be honest, sometimes I am overwhelmed by the weight of it all. The idea of raising someone in this world. Our world that’s full of hardship and disappointment, wars and disease. The thought of navigating all of life’s pitfalls through the eyes of the next generation.

I find myself rushing through so much of life right now. Rushing to secure my next job and settle into a career path. Scrambling to live life to its fullest by hardly ever saying “no” to spending time with friends. Hustling to establish a blog that reaches people beyond my immediate circles. Pushing to plan a trip of a lifetime out of the country somewhere with my husband. And over the weekend I realized why–I feel like I have to fit it all in before kids. I want to make sure I accomplish so many of these goals before I have another major priority in my life. I think that’s why there’s this huge sense of urgency in me.

In all actuality, I want kids and so does the hubby. So don’t you worry your pretty little head. One day we’ll add a few littles to this household, and it will be messy, loud, crazy and wonderful all at once. But as the reality of that creeps closer I wrestle with what that might mean. Am I overthinking it? Or worse, underthinking it? (Is that even a word?)

Maybe every potential parent has these fears or feels the magnitude of such things. Or maybe instead they were thrust into it before having enough time to really think it over yet somehow they seem to manage just fine. I suppose time (and a kid or two) will tell.


p.s. Sorry if I got your hopes up…this is clearly not an announcement.

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  • http://ReadingandRouge.blogspot.com LivDamaris

    This is so good to read. It applies so well to dating too. Everyone I know is getting into a relationship and, while I want one, I know it’s time for me to wait. I have goals and dreams I want to accomplish before settling down. I am certain I will feel the same way after I am married about having kids. We will have dreams and goals we want to reach before we get super tied down! 🙂 Thanks for writing this with such honesty.

    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      Thanks so much for your encouragement! I think we all have different timelines that we’re working with and that’s some of the beauty in life. We get to learn from each other and help each other out along the way. Thanks for reading!

  • http://kellyann13.wordpress.com iamkellyann



    Everything about this is where my husband and I are right now.

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart – I feel like I am in a constant race against the clock, and I’ve had people tell me that I wasn’t being obedient to God after I told them we want to wait 5….or 8…or 10 years to have children. There’s always that one pleasant couple that decides to inform us that birth control “really isn’t effective.” And it’s all very discouraging.

    I will be praying for you and your hubby! I hope you know that you’re not alone in this. Our time will come, and it will be beautiful.


    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      Kelly, thank you! I thankfully don’t feel alone and as much as I get asked the question, I don’t get any harsh pressure from anyone in particular. I think it’s as a collective that the pressure and the weight of it just seems big. I think sometimes people can overstep sometimes (unintentionally even) with their thoughts/opinions on how a family should go, but ultimately, it’s not up to them. Hope you also know you aren’t alone!

  • alyssa

    I am always horribly torn between not wanting children and wanting them desperately. I guess it’s a wait and see where life takes me kind of thing. 🙂

    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      Alyssa, sometimes I can be torn both ways in the same day. I feel ya!

  • katicbutler

    Such a sweet post. I can actually tell just from reading this that you will be a wonderful mother. Here’s the thing-those babies burst into your world and rock everything. And, then, after a few months, everything starts to make sense again. You find your way, you chase your dreams, and sometimes they are a bit different than they were pre-kiddos. 😉 Blessings to you and yours.

    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      Oh, well thanks! I think I was just writing all about the things that seemed to be pressing on my mind lately, but glad to hear the encouragement. I think deep down, I know it will all be okay. And I’m okay with goals changing and realize that’s a part of it…just don’t know how it will all shake out. Glad to know there will be lots of great people to learn from and be encouraged by when I get there!

  • http://livingforhisglory2.blogspot.com Mariel Collins

    You are going to be an amazing mom. and yes we all have does same doubts and concerns, I even have them now thinking about a second child. The world can be very rough and hard at times, but my thought process is, they make the world less hard and rough. Kids are hope in my eyes. Something new and inspiring about the way they see life. Once you have them, your dreams change maybe not fully but to include them and many of them you can easily include them in. Love how honest this post was! Thanks for sharing and commenting on my blog. Just so you know you are a no-reply blogger:)

  • http://soimarriedayouthpastor.wordpress.com Liz

    Wonderful post! My husband and I are in the no kids/we are a two-person family boat and it weirds everyone out. It can be so hard to navigate friendships because of our decision. But we are open to God changing our plans… because neither of us ever wanted to marry and here we are, married.

    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      We definitely hope to have kids someday, but it can be difficult to navigate sometimes. I think especially in church settings, it almost feels like we have to go on the defense as to why we don’t yet. I’m all for people having kids, just not for me right now.

  • http://gravatar.com/rachelastokes Rachel Stokes

    I just loved reading this! I can relate to this so much before we had our baby girl this year. People will never stop asking when you are going to be having children. Then when you do, all they ask is when you’re going to have the next one! Seriously people, slow down! Haha.

  • Deb

    Well communicated. Recently I found myself asking someone if they were pregnant. I consciously avoid these conversations but slipped that day. She wasn’t. I apologized. Asking about this topic can cause pain to those who want, who try, or have lost a baby. And angst to those who aren’t ready. Once you have children, you always have children so enjoy this stage of life.

  • http://www.adventuresofbugandboo.com Rebecca

    I think everyone must have thoughts along the way when they start thinking about having kids. The world is a rapidly changing place that often feels scarier by the day – and the responsibility of raising children in this world, teaching them right from wrong, helping them to remain safe, is a daunting thought and task. I would say that when people asked me when I was having kids, I’d usually say we’re waiting for the right time or we’re not ready yet, and *anyone* who was a parent already would say ‘there is no being ‘ready’ for kids – you can’t possibly prepare enough to feel ready’ ha. Which scared me a little – but now I realize they were being very honest. Everything terrifies me about being a parent and the weight of it all. But I do love my daughter and I’ll love the next one just as much, and to your point, we just figure it out and make it work on a daily basis.
    I hope that you find peace on this topic and that everyone eases off you a bit so there’s less pressure!
    (Stopping by from Peony)

    • http://movingpeaces.com Samantha

      Thanks for all your thoughts! I think I am right there in the scary/overwhelmed stage you talked about. It’s almost more of an internal struggle than an external one, but I know someday it will all work out basically.

  • http://ashortblonde.com ashortblonde

    Ever since my husband and I started “trying” for a baby and than subsequently finding ourselves in the “infertility” world, I’ve thought different about those casual, “what next” questions. Usually the answer is rather loaded and not meant for small talk.

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