I think the Thursday Three needs a theme song. Waaa bow bow!! If only you could hear it directly as the phonetically spelled lyrics do not do it justice. Don’t ask… this is just half the crazy that’s in my head. But it is Thursday. Helloooooo (almost) weekend. You ready? Here’s the past week in review.
1. We got school spirit. That reminds me of my cheerleading days (can you believe it?) – we got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit, how ‘bout YOU? Sorry, I don’t know what’s come over me. Anyway, last Friday we put on some Carolina blue and headed to the basketball game. If you know us, you know that with the exception of the Olympics and a bit of March Madness, neither of us really follow sports (but you better believe I have my calendar already marked for opening ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics). It was fun though to hit a game, catch a win and embrace the basketball culture we are surrounded with. We met up with a few former work friends and had a fun night, despite being able to touch the back wall we were so high up.
2. My dog longing was temporarily fulfilled. No, we do not have our own dog, but we did watch our neighbors’ dog, AJ, for a few days this past week. Oh, and it was so, so, so fun. We went on long walks, she destroyed a bone, we played catch, she chomped on ice cubes, we took all sorts of silly pictures of her being cute and ridiculous. Glorious. And then we picked up poop and had to lint roll our entire couch. In conclusion: I still want a dog, just one that doesn’t shed or poop. Okay, okay. Eventually, I want a dog (that doesn’t shed much), but not today. One day in the distant future.
3. We’re settled in, finally. People keep asking if we’re settled in and unpacked and I would now like to formally announce – YES. With my dad coming to stay for the weekend, we had a deadline and little choice but to finish the job. See that room up there? Well, that’s just a glimpse of it in the final cleaning stages. I seriously wish I had before and after pictures from this weekend because let me tell you, that room was completely filled with boxes. The bed was vertical up against the room because there was no space before now. It was embarrassing, but it was also a fact of life. If you managed to miss any of the blogs from the past three months I’ll fill you in—it was hectic. We were busy and exhausted so clearing out the spare bedroom just wasn’t a priority. But now, we’ve moved in. The job is done. There’s a few odds and ends but all of our rooms are fully functional and you can see the floor. It’s amazing, and we love our little house all the more.