The month of December is off and running…here we are barely more than a week in, which means Christmas is just two and a half weeks from now. Time needs to SLOW DOWN.
1. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear” – Buddy the Elf. I don’t consider myself a musician, but I do enjoy playing gigs with my husband. Last Friday we played our first show since the little one was born, and it felt good. Lots of original music and Christmas music, what’s not to love? Granted, there was a baby crying here and there (who brings a crying baby out on the town? oh yeah, me) but also so many great people I’m lucky to know and spend my days with.
2. Sometimes there are questions without answers. As our life has shifted and we’ve taken on new routines and responsibilities, a lot of questions have been raised as to what’s the best way to do this or that. Questions that keep you up at night or questions that you crowdsource for answers. I want to know the answers and know I’m handling what life throws at me the way I should. But maybe there aren’t always answers. Sometimes you just press forward without a solid plan and swerve when you need to.
3. Pick just one thing. The holidays can get crazy, and it’s easy to be swept up in “all the things” that people do to celebrate. There’s the tree and the parties and the presents and the cards and the carols and the lights and the shows and the food and the travel. It’s a lot. Maybe too much. Okay, it’s just too much. And then you look on the internet and see the pretty pictures of one of those things and think–“ahh! I’m behind! I’m letting everyone down or letting myself down.” But, as with much of life, we can’t do it all all of the time. So, just pick one. Pick one thing you’re going to be really good at over the holidays and give yourself some grace and space with the rest of them. Is it that tree you love to decorate? Is it traveling to see people you love? Is it sending a Christmas card? Or is it just watching the holiday classics in your jammies for a day? Pick one that you feel is manageable and enjoyable and then let the rest fall in line in order of importance or maybe just don’t worry about it at all. We’ll all have a better holiday season that way if we aren’t scrambling to do it all. For us, it’s the Christmas card this year, one of our favorite holiday traditions. We’re going to own it, and it’s going to be awesome, but don’t mind me if you see that the tree is slightly crooked and the presents aren’t nicely tied underneath it.