One of those days

Ever find yourself in the middle of one of those days? Those days that you have such a river of thoughts but know as soon as you start to really sit down and think about it, you’ll be opening the flood gates and aren’t quite sure you’re ready for that? This weekend was like that for me. All in all, we had a good weekend. Hung out, had a date night, spent time with friends and enjoyed our time. But underneath it all I had all sorts of thoughts bubbling up about ready to spill over. Sad thoughts about all that’s wrong in the world and how badly I want to help make it better. I’m a blessed and grateful girl, but that does not mean this life is not hard. It downright breaks my heart sometimes how cold and cruel this world can be. I want to bang my fists on the ground and cry out. I want to bless my neighbors and protect those I love. I want to start a movement and circle the world with wisdom. I want this messed up world to be turned on its head and make sense again. The brokenness makes me want to shout and scream. 


Then there’s Christmas. It’s a few weeks away, and I’m longing for what it’s really about—a broken world and a baby born to bring us salvation.  

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
– Luke 2:14

This. This is what I want for the world.