The Biggest Thing to Happen Since the iPhone

Tonight was our first official potential friend date. I haven’t exactly been secretive about the fact that I am on the hunt for new (best) friends. So much so, that I asked myself out on a friend date with someone from work and his wife. Once we were halfway through dinner and things seemed to be going well, we admitted to the milestone – first couple friend date. In return, they asked us if we needed to take a picture to mark the moment or if we were that desperate. Fair enough. The answer? Heck yes.

They’ve lived in the area for a few years; he has actually lived here even longer, having gone to school around here. Although they teased us for going to desperate measures, they also said they had no couple friends. The worst part is, I know they aren’t the only ones. I’m not sure if it’s the nature of twentysomethings or our over dependance on all things technology and social media, but I will say that I am adamantly opposed to being friendless. Having hundreds of social media “friends” or a few people you run in to randomly at a bar just does not cut it. I want to shout it from the rooftops – WE ALL NEED FRIENDS! It’s okay to admit to that! Just don’t quit trying to find, make and keep friends.

Because you know what? As charming as the cast of Modern Family may be, they aren’t going to be able to talk you through a bad day. Your Google calendar will not remember your favorite type of dessert. Instagram will not understand your expression and interact with you. Facebook is never going to ask what your goals, dreams and hopes are in life. Don’t give up! Don’t give in to these modern conveniences! People need friends (I know, I’m one of them). People who are established, people who are new, people who are friendly, people who are rude—they all need real-live human interaction with people who love and care for them. Seek it out. Be intentional. Find those relationships and invest in them like crazy.