This Week’s Three

This Week’s Three

Just like that it’s been another week, and I missed Thursday’s post yet again. I just can’t keep up for some reason this month. I think it has something to do with having a ton more projects/work plus an upcoming trip to plan and prepare for (more on that super soon!).

1. The snow came and it was real this time. I know I mentioned a bit of winter weather last week and for many parts of the country having snow two weeks in a row is not quite newsworthy. In Raleigh, it feels more like the world is coming to an end. Schools have been out for almost a full two weeks, the grocery stores have no bread and time stops. I have photographic evidence…(unfortunately for me, I really was out of groceries the night before the storm hit).

Grocery store line IMG_3262

2. Travel is amazing. The problem with travel (or beauty of it), is that it never feels like you can do it enough. This week we hosted another couchsurfer who had done plenty of travel as she is a video producer with National Geographic. You couldn’t help but get a little wanderlust while talking to her. So often I think we feel our lives are “set” in the path we’re going but then when you re-assess, some of those constraints and plans are not as restrictive as you think. I love that about travel. It forces you out of routine and opens up a new world of thoughts and possibilities.

Couchsurfer | Moving Peaces

3. I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you… Remember that song by Landon Pigg? It came out a little after we met. The very first time we met was at a Battle of the Bands (sounds epic, right?). But the second time we met it was at a coffee shop. From there on out, we continued to get to know each other and later fall in love as the hubby worked in four different coffee shops over the course of several years. Each had their moments, but that first coffee shop will always remain special to us. So many memories were shared there, conversations had for the very first time and hours of me sitting, just watching as he worked behind the bar. Last night there was a latte art competition at our favorite local coffee shop in Raleigh, and he threw his hat in the ring. Nerves may have gotten the best of that latte, but I had the best seat in the house just reminiscing about years ago.


And then, he made this video of the night. Because he’s amazing. And his current career path has a lot more video in it. Can you find us in it?

Thursday Three

What is it about Thursdays? You look back at the week and think it was ages since the weekend. What did you even do last weekend? Gosh. Yet it’s marks the beginning of an end (or vice versa I suppose) to the week that has something great about it. Besides, who knew I could start so many blog posts just talking about Thursday? I sure didn’t.

1. We said YES. This past week, friends of ours asked us to be in their wedding this September. Friends we met here, in North Carolina. Something about that is crazy to me. We were both really honored to be chosen for these roles and especially after only knowing them for the past year or so. When we moved we really hoped and prayed we could both make close friends and be close friends. While being in someone’s wedding is far from the deciding factor on your friendship status (please, don’t even get me started about how weddings weirdly make you rank your friends), we are really excited to be a part of their big day and their lives.

2. Shut the front door, there’s snow outside. I know I went on a mini-rant/lecture on what is and is not cold last week. This time, it actually is. I wouldn’t say all of the snow days the kids got away with were totally justified but hope they had a good mini-vacay anyway. I decided to embrace a new-to-me Southern recipe by putting a bowl out on the porch to catch some flakes for snow cream. It tastes about as exciting as it sounds: milky sugar snow. As long as there’s sugar involved, it’s a bona fide Southern dish. And alright already. There’s something really pretty and even kinda fun about snow. I said it.

3.  There’s a lot of people in the world. Yep, I’m going big with this last one. But it’s true. People are everywhere and I keep being reminded we have to work at things together. People can challenge you and frustrate you but they also strengthen you. It’s worthwhile to come together, even if it’s sorta inconvenient or outside your comfort zone. They’ll rub you the wrong way and sometimes you want to say, “I can do it all without them!” But there will always be someone else that will annoy you in almost the same way. Might as well figure out how to bring out each other’s strengths and work as a team.