Thursday Three

How is it already the end of the day? How, how!? Well, hopefully you all had a lovely day. I certainly did. It was full of friends—in person and from afar.

1. Last week was long and hard. Yet at the same time, it seemed to fly by (which certainly contributed to the lack of blogging these last two weeks). I did travel back to the Midwest for my grandpa’s funeral and saw tons of family (and when I say tons of family, I mean dozens of family members…not a baker’s dozen of people…DOZENS of family members) When the funeral director addressed a packed room and asked that the friends pay their respects first, I think he was surprised when no one moved as we were all family. It was good to be there, but overwhelming at times.

My grandma, my mom and all her siblings. Spouses and children not included.

2. This summer has not gone like I planned. Nor has it gone like my back-up plan or my secondary back-up plan. Oh, normal people don’t have that many plans? This is just how I function. But despite it all, I could not have planned my summer of unemployment at a better time even if I tried. I’ve been able to be at those family things. I’ve read so many books, hosted more out-of-town guests and enjoyed my friendships. Without this added time, I don’t know what I would have done. So, I’m hopeful for what’s next but really trying to take full advantage of the time I have.

3. You need to do this. Let me be direct in saying this, your creativity is important. It’s needed, and we want more of it. Sometimes I can get caught up in the “maybe 12 people read this” or “I’ll never be famous” but that’s not what it’s about. Creativity spurs other creativity. Lately, I’ve been playing a bit more music. Is it my main thing? No. Will I ever have a hit single? Nope. But having a creative outlet, a hobby for lack of a better word, matters. We were meant to make things. So do it. Write the first chapter, paint that dream, put together the band, make up a new recipe, rearrange your furniture—whatever! Take this as your sign or statement of encouragement to be creative. We need it and you need it.