Creator of Relationships

I’ve been thinking about connections with people, the relationships we form and why they matter. Today in church something clicked that I don’t know had clicked before. We were talking about the very beginning, when God created the earth and animals and people. In regards to people:

“So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27

Our pastor started listing off the things we have in common with God, being made in His image. Longing for relationships.

We as humans long for relationships with others, just as God wants a relationship with us. So to truly understand a relationship with someone else, we need a relationship with the one who created relationships. The one who created and understands the desire for relationships. The one who created the connections we share within those relationships. There’s a connection between us and God because we were created in His image. Automatically have something in common with the creator of the universe because He planned it that way.

Is that not the coolest? I mean, really.