Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Oh dear me, it’s Thursday. You ever have those weeks when suddenly you realize all of your hours are already scheduled away but you still have a heck of a lot of things left to do? Your option becomes: lose sleep or drop the ball…or sometimes both. That has been what this week has looked like for me. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of that time scheduled away has been great but it still leaves me with not enough hours in the day. Hence, tonight’s post will have to be short and sweet.

1. Ask questions, but be prepared for the answer. I’ve been very thoughtfully considering my career path lately and decided to get some feedback from a variety of people this week. I have gotten a lot of great advice and insight, but I’ve walked away with my head spinning more often than not.

2. Spending time with a friend while meeting new people can be so much fun. This past Wednesday, that’s just what I did at the TriFABB blogger meetup. I loved meeting a whole bunch of the girls in the area, bloggers and readers alike. But even more so, I enjoyed spending time with this lady (and the lady behind her who helped host this event).

Blogger Meetup | Moving Peaces

3. People are doing amazing things in the world. We get to decide how to respond to those amazing things: be amazed, jealous, apathetic, lazy, encouraged, discouraged or inspired. What is it going to be?