Chasing After It

Chasing Birds

Have you ever felt like you were chasing to find yourself? Or have you ever observed someone at a transitional time in life and thought, “they are just confused and trying to find themselves”?

We grasp for the things that are in front of us. The things that seem obvious or come most easy. The things that others have that we want. Or even, the things others want that we can achieve.

TV exhibits celebrities and stars of all forms, and we wonder how they got to be so special. Much of society suggests that we “find ourselves” in college, be it by binge drinking or by hitting the books. Flinging ourselves at fleeting moments of opportunity or striking rich overnight seems to not only be the goal, but also the method of success in society.

Maybe we’re trying to find ourselves in all of the wrong places. What if finding yourself really meant continuing to work hard and make a life for yourself where you already are? Instead of the what or the where, think more of the core truths. Perhaps questioning the values and notions we hold most dear, both now and ten years from now, will lead us to who we are today.

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  • Scoochie Mama

    I can relate to this, Samantha. Actually, my scripture for this morning was James 4:13-15, and it reminded me not to get distracted away from those “core truths” you talked about. If I begin to worry about anything else, it steals the energy needed to fully be present today. Sometimes I yearn for my goals and desires to be met more quickly, and then I begin to live in the future. That causes me to limp through what needs to be in focus today.