Couch Surfers Welcome

“That’s not something I’d ever think you’d do—I put it one tier above hitchhiking.”  -someone after finding out we were hosting a couch surfer.

Before we got married, the hubby and I talked about what kind of qualities we wanted in our household. At the heart of it, we wanted a welcoming home. We wanted to be able to open it up without hesitation to those we loved, those in need and anyone else really. No matter what we had to offer, even if it was little, we wanted to be available to offer such a home. We strongly desire to love people which starts by being willing, open and transparent with others, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Sometimes though I get caught up in what the house “should” look like. My impulse reaction is to say “our house is too messy!” as soon as it’s suggested. Growing up, having someone over required hours of deep cleaning to make it adequately presentable, not because we lived in total disarray but because there was a certain image we were to uphold. As much as I try to escape that mentality, it still gets me sometimes. But the reality is, people live here. We have dirty dishes on the counter, an ongoing pile of laundry to fold and bills strewn about the kitchen table. Of course we want people to be comfortable and welcomed, but we also don’t want to be a slave to the upkeep of an image of perfection. We aren’t perfect people and don’t have an immaculate house. But that shouldn’t get in the way of sharing our homes with people, just as our personal flaws and imperfections shouldn’t stop us from sharing our lives with people.

A few weeks back, I mentioned we hosted our first official couch surfer. In all reality, we’d had couch surfing experiences before (on both sides of the couch) without an official membership. If you don’t know, it’s a website where you can post that you are either hosting or traveling in order to match people up for a free night’s stay in local homes all over the world. When we moved into this house, I knew I wanted to officially open the doors in that way and was so glad we did.

Ultimately, we learned more about someone else’s life and were able to be hospitable and give what we had. There was something awkward about not knowing what to say or do when someone you’d never met was staying in your house. But there was also something powerful about being mildly uncomfortable in order to show love and learn about someone else’s perspective and experiences.

Thursday Three

What’s a vacation without coming home to a camera full of photos that won’t be printed for years, an overstuffed suitcase of dirty clothes and a happy heart bursting with fond memories?

Seriously, the last week has been so great. And then sadly came to an abrupt end as soon as we got home. Apparently between the time change, day of travel, lack of food with substance and the start of a cold, everything in me decided to fall apart and be quite sick for a bit. But was it all worth it in the end? Absolutely.

I don’t even know how to put it all down in a Thursday Three. (Don’t I say that every week? Clearly I should blog more…) Here’s my best attempt at the rest of the week after we left Portland. Believe it or not, the good photos off the camera have yet to be sorted so these are just what we’ve got from our phones.

1. Having family in cool parts of the country has its benefits. Obviously if they live somewhere cool, yet far, that can be a bummer, too. After Portland we drove through the gorge and up and down the Oregon landscapes to visit the hubby’s brother and his family. We had so much fun playing with our little loves (our four-year-old niece and two-year-old nephew). They have grown and changed so much since we last saw them in May. I love being an aunt! Plus, it was great to spend time with his brother and sister-in-law…a bit like old times before we all moved different directions.



2. Weddings bring the happy couple’s favorite people all into one room. When we got married we thought it was so fun to see people we loved getting to know each other for the first time. Part of our reason for heading out west was to attend the wedding of a good friend of mine. When I studied abroad in Greece, we traveled together every weekend and she was my closest friend there. I was so glad to get to see her again and attend her wedding. But what ended up being an unexpected bonus was meeting all of her other friends. These are the friends I heard all about while we hiked mountains and ate crepes. It was as if I was meeting long-lost friends for the first time and we hugged as our friendship came full circle.



3. Driving the coast and exploring was unbelievable. There are so many different parts of Oregon and changes in scenery within a few miles. We went to a tulip farm, drove through mountains, played on Cannon Beach, visited a cheese factory and even spent a day hanging out in Seattle, WA to see the hubby’s uncle and the gum wall. This is clearly the catch-all of the three so I can throw a bunch of photos up here. At least I’m honest.





Thursday Three

It’s still Thursday. I’m in the Pacific time zone and completely confused as to when I should sleep or eat. It’s been a fun week though. I think it’s best if this post is fairly photo heavy. Yeah? 

1. We stayed on a boat! We are in Oregon for the week and spent the first two nights in Portland. What better way to experience port life than docked on a yacht? It was a pretty fun little experience and still cheaper than a hotel. With some strong winds and a few storms, it felt like we were off at sea a time or two. Every once in a while on land we’d feel like everything was rocking then, too. 

2. Portland is weird. But they want it to be that way. We had a good time walking around town, eating good food and thrifting. We managed to stay mostly dry throughout our time there but let me tell you, it rains like crazy in that place. We were amazed at how many people seemed unfazed by the fact that it was pouring rain as they went about their day. 

3. Oregon is crazy pretty. Most of the good photos are on our real camera, but here’s a few shots of what we saw on our drive today. Within the span of four hours we drove by beautiful waterfalls, the river gorge, rolling hills and a bit of desert. Around every corner we had no idea what to expect next and kept saying “wow!” with each new element. I’m excited for everything else we will see and do these next few days. 

Thursday Three

Well hello. What’s been happening with your week? Mine has been long. It’s had ups and downs, but also in-betweens this time. I keep thinking we’re halfway through April but then come to find it’s the first day of spring. In honor of the new season, all three listed will feature something NEW.

1. I have embraced a new hobby. After a little prodding and some instructions from a friend, I have taken up cross stitch. I picked up a pattern at a craft store, and let me tell you, those things are doozies…I will surely make my next purchase on etsy and aim for something slightly less cheesy. Other than that, I like it. It’s nice to do make something with your hands. I went through a knitting phase before moving but cannot possibly knit another scarf in this climate, it’s just not worth it. This is a good alternative. Here’s what I’ve got so far (good luck guessing what it is).

2. We tried out a new dinner spot. After a day of freezing rain and ice, we had a commitment cancel, leaving us with an impromptu date night. We went to The Flying Biscuit to finally try southern grits and loved every bite. I also had the best salmon scrambled eggs that have ever been served. I never actually took a picture of the food (it was too good to photograph), but here’s a little photo to commemorate the table we sat at. We were glad for a night out when most of the town was taking shelter from the storm.

3. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with our friends and their new baby! Saturday was a gloriously sunny (albeit windy) day, so we walked down to the parade with our couch surfer in tow (oh, didn’t know about him? I promise to blog about it at some point). We met up with friends from church and their little baby boy who was a whopping 13 days old at the time! So tiny and so cute. Their daughter is pretty adorable as well…and clearly loves hot dogs. Also on Saturday—reading a book in the sunshine and a bonfire with friends. It was easily the best day of the week.

A Week in Review

What a week it has been. I know, I didn’t make it in time for the Thursday Three, so I’ll just give you a week in review. This week has been so FULL. There were high highs and low lows with not much in between. Thankfully, the good far outweighed the bad.

1. We had company! Know right now if you’re ever in North Carolina, you have a place to stay with us (albeit incredibly tiny). This was the week everyone decided to take us up on that offered, and I loved it. One of the hubby’s close friends, River, was here to record music (as previously mentioned), and it was awesome. I’m so glad he came. Also, a close friend of mine, Carrie, came through town along with her sister, brother-in-law and niece whom we are also friends with. Such a wonderful time was had when all seven of us were together just eating our favorite pizza on the lawn (because did I mention it was 70 degrees?) and enjoying our time together.

Hubby and Jim matched. (This has actually happened two weeks in a row)


Carrie and I!

Love these guys. (Shout out to Riv’s girlfriend who was at SXSW—you were missed!)


2. Not all fountains are scenic. Ummm. On Monday the toilet was apparently clogged at work. Plunging it then caused a full-on fountain of sewage water (or as I call it, poop water) out of the drain in the kitchen. (The photo below does not even begin to show near the amount of water that spouted out.) This went on for days. Needless to say, things have been a little crappy at work lately. (Yeah, I just went there)


3. Planning a wedding is always more fun when you aren’t planning your own wedding. It’s true. Everyone says it’s so much fun. When you’re in the middle of it, surrounded by all the stress, details and bills it feels a lot more like work. But when you are free from those variables and just along for the ride, it’s quite enjoyable. I happily went wedding dress shopping with my friend Connie over the weekend, and she found THE DRESS. Obviously no photos until the wedding, but it was the cutest little shop full of Southern belles.


It’s Me

On Saturday nights the hubby goes to bed a little early since he has to be at work so early on Sundays. Tonight I came in maybe a half hour later and went to shut the windows. The noise must have startled him because he quickly reacted (albeit half-asleep) as if to protect us or maybe just in utter confusion as to why his sleep was being interrupted. Without thinking I responded, “It’s me! It’s me!”

It’s me.

Anyone else feel the magnitude of that statement? I didn’t say my job title or salary. I didn’t mention where I lived or what I was from. I didn’t proclaim my goals or dreams. I didn’t list my uncomfortable flaws or doubts. I didn’t even say my name.

Yet for some reason when we meet someone, that’s where we start. When we don’t know the answers to those things or aren’t happy with them, we begin to question who we really are. We put an unacceptable weight on things that don’t actually define us. Take any one of those things away, say my job or my dreams. I’d still be me.

I told him essentially nothing without even realizing. Yet at the same time, I said more than I ever have to someone at a networking event. I can only be me.

It’s me.

Thursday Three

What a strange week. I almost completely missed the Thursday Three! Considering the sun has not yet risen for Friday, let’s just pretend it’s still Thursday, okay? That would be oh-so-kind of you. I’ve struggled to fall asleep most of this week so it’s been hard to keep track of what day is what.

1. I am married to a musician. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. But really, for real, that man can play. His best friend is out here visiting for the week to record some tunes, which means my house is practically exploding with music. You can hardly walk in a straight line without stepping on a violin or guitar or banjolin (that’s a thing, check it). So not only do we have the music room right now, but also the spare bedroom is packed to the brim with instruments, too. We’re all loving it though. A friend of mine came over and the four of us even did a little four-part harmony for one of the tracks.The guys are both so musically talented, but together they are simply amazing. (Maybe by next week I’ll actually have a picture of them playing music together).



2. Let’s do this. This week (and month) have a bit of a schedule that I have to stick to. Every day I feel like I’m running from thing to thing (otherwise known as hustlin’), trying to fit it all in. Between work, school, side projects, friends and family, I feel a bit packed. But I also feel like most of these things are moving in the right direction, and I’m glad for the extra work I’ve put in.

3. Weekend weather has been awesome. Seriously, I know we’ve had rain and freezing rain all week but last weekend it was in the high 60s and this weekend should be the same. Last weekend was so much fun. I hosted a small brunch while the hubby and guys went disc golfing, the two of us checked out a nearby winery, had dinner with friends and we squeezed in a few Oscar-nominated movies before the awards on Sunday. Whew. Busy but so awesome.



Oh yeah, did I mention the weather was beautiful this weekend? I took the liberty of reading a book outside in a tank top and ugly sunglasses. Glorious.

Thoughts on the Porch

Lately, I’ve really noticed a need for quiet, a need for space and time alone. I pack my schedule tight and love people. I love hearing their stories and being a friend. But the more time I spend with others, the more I’m wanting time alone in the quiet to write or read or frankly, just lay on the couch and watch TV. It’s not glamorous, but it matters.

We threw a party about a month ago, and it was so much fun. We love seeing people we know from different avenues of life all come together in one room. About every hour or so I snuck away. I stood alone in the dark of my bedroom and just breathed it in. I loved that people were there enjoying themselves. I loved seeing so many people all at once and building stronger relationships with them. But I also loved my secret moments of quiet and darkness. I’ve never felt so comfortable walking away and knowing it was okay to do so. No one noticed, not even the husband.

As I sit on the porch this beautiful sunny Sunday morning, I cherish the quiet. I get to breathe in the calm of the morning as the breeze rustles the bushes and the sun warms my toes. The month of March is already packed full, and it’s hardly just begun. Full of friends and out-of-town guests, new challenges and a trip across the country. I’m looking forward to all of it, but I’m also going to consciously seek out the moments like these.

We live in an extroverted world, but we aren’t all extroverted. Even if we may seem like it.

Thursday Three

Ready. Set. Go.

1. Baby showers can never occur with at least one strange game. Gotta love them for it. Saturday I attended a baby shower for a friend from church and everyone oohhed and ahhhed over the cute baby boy clothes. We had two games. The first involved plastic babies frozen in ice cubes, whoever “breaks their water” first wins. The second game involved never saying the word “baby” and collecting safety pins from the people who do say it. In case you were wondering, I totally dominated in the second game and no one even saw it coming. 

2. Oscar season is in full-swing. With the official awards ceremony on Sunday, we are watching a few movies so we can feel cultured and opinionated when they announce the winners. Last night we watched Captain Phillips which equated to two hours of hugging the pillow and trying to pretend it wasn’t totally stressful.

3. Let me just go ahead and put you in a box since we all love that so much. Tonight I joined a friend for some sort of networking event that revolved around a personality test. As someone who has an unhealthy obsession with personality tests, I can easily say it was the most ridiculous one I’ve done. But the “presentation” of someone reading straight from a book likely added to my thoughts on it. Ready for the test? Pick the card that you most relate to. Yep, that’s it. Now you understand about your color and know everything there is to know about you. Unfortunately, if you don’t relate to mimes, I don’t really know what to tell you.