Thursday Three

Hey there, Thursday. Looks like you came and went without even giving me the chance to blog. So, hello midnight oil (or blue computer glow, whichever) and early morning Friday. I’m still only going to give you the typical three (no Friday Fives in this house), because I’m lazy tired.

1. Beach days are beneficial. We squeezed in a quick trip in to the beach this past weekend, and it paid in dividends of waves and sunshine. Thankfully, it’s only 2.5 hours away, we have good friends who welcome us into their home and we both absolutely love the ocean. Something about sitting out all day with only the sound of the waves, the sand under your feet and a small beach bag of essentials to get you through the day–it leaves room for the big conversations and a clear head. Plus there’s always the bonus salt water in your eyes, nose and mouth…what’s not to love?

Beach Day

2. Tell the people in your life what they mean to you. I’m not going to say it’s your last chance because this isn’t some sort of fear tactic. Tell them because they need encouragement and appreciation, and you are the perfect person to give it to them. Tell them because you want them to know.

3. Growing a garden takes work. But you knew that right? You have to water the plants, make sure they get enough sun and prune the branches until it grows the way it’s supposed to. Growing as a person takes work, too. You’re going to have super hot and miserable days, intense rain and some serious pruning. Expect it. So often I look around and ask why it is I am struggling with whatever thing is hard in my life at the time. But instead, I need to remember the pruning and energy that is taking place as I grow and develop and hopefully, one day, produce some sort of fruit.

Backyard Garden | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

I’m going to be real and say that I’m tempted to just skip an entire week. Skip writing the Thursday Three, skip catching up on laundry, skip checking the mail, skip whatever it is that I’m supposed to do. I’m back from driving around the country and have all the things just waiting patiently for me. Sure, I was traveling, but since I was working remotely the whole time and seeing all sorts of people, it wasn’t really a vacation. So here I am, home, and ready for rest.

End of the Road | Moving Peaces

Here’s three short things for Thursday…

1. You can do more than you think you are capable of. That can be both empowering and downright overwhelming.

2. Life is changing. It’s going to keep changing. We find ourselves in patterns we like, and patterns we don’t. Relationships will change, people will change, routines will change. We celebrate, and we grieve, and then transition into what’s new.

3. Sometimes epic is actually ordinary. And in even crazier moments, ordinary is epic.


Thursday Three

Hey there. Here’s to a late night and a late post. Turns out I have a knack for overbooking myself and trying to be everywhere all at once. But that comes from wanting to be with people and wanting to say yes to everything that’s good. So, I can’t complain too much.

1. I’m back in my hometown. I can’t help but have so many mixed feelings when I visit. I have so much love for a place I called home for years, where I met and married my husband and where I spent the first few years of adulthood. It’s exciting to see all the vibrant spaces and some of the great changes that are taking place. It was such a great springboard for me and will always hold so many memories. Yet as happy as I am to be here it’s not home anymore. Instead, I miss a place and people that a mere three years I ago I never knew. The good news is, I’ll be heading back soon.

Des Moines | Moving Peaces

2. Everyone loves ice cream. I think I have had or been offered ice cream almost every night since this road trip started. It’s seriously impressive, especially for someone who doesn’t usually eat much ice cream. That just seems to be the treat of choice this time of year.

3. Not everything holds monetary value. When you’re building up skills and investing so much time and energy into a certain thing, whether it’s creatively or professionally, your goal often starts to be about getting paid or getting a job. Being monetarily compensated for something gives you some validity for the time and effort that went into it and confirmation that you’re doing well (don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to get paid and take care of your family and bills). But over time, that hustle towards different things can cause you place more value on paid things or work things instead of relationships, rest and leisure. The parts of life that we held so closely as kids (free time, fun, friends) are considered less important than working and making money.

I understand why it happens and some of that change is important (it’s what motivates us to show up to work everyday), but I think we need to have an awareness about when it becomes too much. We need to be realistic and know that  “doing nothing” is just as valuable (if not more) than “doing something” …for the sake of our own wellbeing. Weighing our options in how to use our time and energy from a monetary standpoint may seem the most logical, but it’s not the most beneficial.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

It’s time for me to make a mad dash (or sorts) and write the first three things that come to my head to sum up the week. I’m so glad you seem to like reading it…it makes me feel less crazy and justifies taking a few random pictures.

1. People will surprise you. I’ve experienced such kindness from strangers this past week. People I’ve never met before became fast friends and brought a certain sweetness to my day. Being willing and open to accept that generosity and hear life stories has brought so much joy and abundance to my life.

New Friend - Jamie Golden | Moving Peaces

2. Trust your instincts. Yes, be open. Yes, take chances. But also, use discernment. I’d love to say everyone is kind and considerate in this world, but I can’t. Hope for the best but keep an eye out and step away if needed. Know what your boundaries are, and when they’ve been crossed.


3. Appreciate the small things. Go to a local coffee shop and talk to the regulars. Count all the cars with stick figure families on the back window and think of all the kids that love having a sticker to represent them. Admire a skyline or enjoy a sunset. There’s beauty and delight to be found in the little moments.
Signs | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

Today has been such a jam-packed day that I feel like this could be called the “Thursday Thousand”…yet I can’t even think of what to say for the three. How to sum up the week in a few paragraphs? That sounds nearly impossible. So instead I’ll just spout some basic life lessons and call it good for the day.

Me | Moving Peaces

1. Be right with your people. Those people in your life that you want to have relationships with, whether it’s your family or your friends–make sure to get right with them. There will always be something else to do and another to-do list to cross off or another idea, creative project or work responsibility to tend to. But in a week, month, year, decade, whatever–it’s those people and those relationships that you’ll care about most, so care about them now.

2. Community is both created and pursued. There are seasons in life when maybe community happens more naturally, be it in college or  during the “best summer ever.” But more often, finding and being a part of a community requires intention, thought and time. You have to seek community, even when it doesn’t feel like it’s ever going to pay off. Finding community sometimes means finding a lot of rejection first. And then, once you’ve found it, you have to be willing to accept it and fully participate in that community. That takes an incredible amount of effort, transparency and perseverance, but ultimately, it’s worth it.

3. Creativity matters. We need creativity to solve problems, to find inspiration and to lift our spirits. That creativity comes in so many forms and can be absolutely amazing. It drives me crazy to think that people can put creativity solely into an artist or craft box. You have creativity in you. Don’t let the artists, musicians, writers and designers be the only ones who take ownership of the word. You are creative in some way, I’m positive, and you need to use that for the benefit of both yourself and others.


Thursday Three

Thursday Three

Well hey there, Thursday. It’s been a full week somehow…there are literally not enough hours in the day. Oh, how I wish I could simply skip sleep sometimes. But then again, what would I do? Just watch a few more movies? There’s only so much time one can dedicate their brains to working and side projects before running out of energy and productivity. So, I guess sleep is good. Let’s stop this babbling and get on to the good stuff…

1. Sometimes what’s “broke” don’t need fixin’ …just love. The vacuum cleaner I thought was broken for…uhm, months….turned out to just need a little extra TLC. Isn’t that just the analogy for everything in life? Okay, it needed a LOT of TLC. In the four and a half years of owning it, we’ve replaced a few parts but apparently never cleared out the hose. Here’s a gross display of everything I’ve ever tried to clean out of our house but instead just stored in the bottom of our vacuum…the hubby called it the “dust rings of our marriage”.

Vacuum Dirt

2. Remember to make due with what you’ve got. Last week we both battled some sort of cold/sore throat/allergies/virus–who knows what. We also had a little gig to play at the end of the week. Practice was weak, the hubby had a little loss of voice scare and we even tried to figure out a plan B…but somehow we made it through the end of the night. All things considered, I thought it went pretty well. It’s easy to get stuck on things when an obstacle is right in front of you, but the trick is to not limit yourself by your own fears of a potential problem. I’m constantly trying to remind myself that–not always succeeding, but definitely going to keep on trying.

Young Oaks Band | Moving Peaces

3. Keep asking what inspires you. Maybe that’s through an interesting video, encouraging poster or a collection of quotes and images on tumblr. Maybe for you that means reading the thoughts of others in blogs or books, listening to a great podcast, attending a presentation or admiring the craftsmanship and artwork of a completed project. Don’t worry about what particular form your inspiration comes in (as long as it is excellent/encouraging/true), but continue to pursue it–continue to be inspired. Make a habit out of seeking out inspiration and surround yourself with it for motivation. We all need that extra encouragement and excitement so we can create and do things to inspire the next person.


This Week’s Three

This Week’s Three

Let’s just squeeze this in real quick, shall we? Because the week went faster than I planned and last night we practiced for our gig tonight.

1. Don’t underestimate people. Such a generic statement…that will continue to be generic, but I just feel it needs to be said. There are amazing people out in the world, people who will jump at a moment’s notice to help or can’t wait to be your friend. There are people who are absolutely brilliant stuck in a job that doesn’t capitalize on their skills, and there are people who might be the most loyal friend you’ll ever meet but you met them on a bad day. I don’t care who it is, they’ve got worth and value. That includes you, too–don’t underestimate yourself.

2. Date night is the best night. We had a gift card to some new sushi place and devoured that entire plate of sushi. I had my doubts that we could do it, but it was delicious.

Sushi | Moving Peaces

3. I’m a happy planner. Some people are happy campers, but I didn’t grow up camping. No, instead I spent my time planning whatever was next in life. This is not always a good thing…but it is my thing. Lucky for me, I’m in the midst of planning a trip or two and a few shows to see this summer. I’m so excited to see Jim Gaffigan soon!

Jim G | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

You know the drill. Time for the Thursday Three. Let’s do this!

1. My husband has a new love: the garden. Last weekend half the neighborhood decided it was time to plant, so an all-day adventure ensued. From the tomato lady to the farmers’ market and house to house, we all managed to put some dirt and veggies in the ground. For whatever reason the prime planting time seemed to occur after dark. Now we just get to watch our little garden grow (and it’s going to be even better than last year’s).

Neighborhood Gardening | Moving Peaces
Selfie by Cindy…because she’s awesome


Night Gardening | Moving Peaces

2. Cars break. Or the A/C does when you live in the South. Sigh. So annoying. I hate spending so much money on lame things like car repairs when I know I could fly to Hawaii for about the same amount. The downside of older cars is never knowing when to say, “No more repairs, time for a different car.” We had a pretty good (albeit busy) week…but I just wanted to keep things real and let you know that our car is feeling finicky.

3. Blogging has its perks. Honestly, the biggest perk is getting to connect with people, be it in person or online. I love getting emails from people telling me their story or someone coming up to me and saying how much a certain post meant to them. As much as I write just because I love it, I write in hopes of encouraging or inspiring someone else.

Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own
Selfie by Stephanie from A Style of Her Own

Also…blogging sometimes has perks in the form of swag and I’m not about to turn that opportunity down. Tonight I attended a local blogging event where I got to meet so many other lovely bloggers while we ate PDQ (good chicken) and checked out what is to come for the Southern Women’s Show this weekend. I figured, why not? I’m a Southern woman now, right? And then they gave us more swag than I knew what to do with.

Swag Bag | Moving Peaces

Thursday Three

Thursday Three


I had high hopes of sharing so many wonderful things with you via blog post earlier this week. (Because we all know it’s high time I finally posted some photos from our trip.) Alas, the week got away from me, and you’ll just have to keep waiting. Soon. But for now, let’s keep with the regularly scheduled programming. I know you know it’s time for the Thursday Three, so here we go.

1. There are rules and then there are realities. We all have things we need to do and it is what it is (like taxes or sleeping). But then there are things we feel we need to do, like blog more often or dust the ceiling fan or create a bucket list or say yes to everything. These are the things that pile up fast and seem to stress me out the most. The reality is, I don’t have to do all of those things all the time.

So maybe I spent more time with friends this week and less time writing–that’s okay. Maybe next week I’ll write 3 blog posts and finally practice ukulele, or maybe I’ll just go for a bike ride every day instead. Here’s what I’m getting at: We impose these goals and expectations on ourselves sometimes that aren’t actual necessities. That in itself is not a bad thing so long as we learn to make the distinction. So try not to get caught up in the stress of things that aren’t actually required and enjoy the life you do have. (Also, please don’t ever examine the top of my ceiling fan.)

2. Don’t spend all your time on the couch. Sure, sometimes we all need a breather, and I’ve definitely got my shows on Netflix. But try to make the time you have count. Don’t let it stress you out, but explore new opportunities and try new things. Plant a garden, try yoga, check out a networking event, read a book–you know, things.


3. We all do a little trial and error. Often it feels like if we don’t get something right the first or second time, it must not be for us. While I think we each have different talents and gifts, we have to leave room for trial and error. That’s part of learning and persevering. So much of life is full of trial and error…so just go ahead and try.

Thursday Three

Thursday Three

This week’s three comes to you from my dark little house as it thunders and lightnings (?) outside. Don’t worry, my power is still on…I just somehow feel like a power outage is less frightening if the lights are already off. I know, I’m weird. My sleep was so rudely interrupted last night by much thunder and lightning, so I rather appreciate the dark at the moment anyway.

1. Rainy days will come. Is it just me or do we forget the rain that comes with spring? As soon as the sun is shining, the birds start singing and a flower pops up from the ground I am so eager to declare, “spring is here!” It’s as if happiness can start again with the fresh season. But then there’s the rain and startling thunderstorms that remind me that growth takes both sunny days and rainy ones (why there has to be thunder, I’ll never really know). Thunderstorms late at night feel especially ominous, and I’m not sure if it’s just my memories of bailing out hundreds of gallons of water in our basement or because it feels like the sky is falling therefore things won’t go quite as “planned.” We can’t control the weather, just like we can’t control so many things in our life. That’s a hard pill to swallow (and I am the worst at swallowing pills…takes at least three gulps of water).

If you were able to follow all of the times I went back and forth between literal and metaphorical just now, I commend you. The point is, we have good days among a season of bad ones and bad days in a season of good. We are given no guarantees as to what life will bring.

2. Sometimes you have an awesome day or moment and no pictures to show for it. I had a couple of good days and moments this week: time with lovely friends, long walks in the city, an impromptu doughnut run and tennis with the hubby. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

3. Easter brings a lot of emotion. There are so many cute kids in dress clothes (sometimes even in bonnets!) hunting for eggs and baskets. The churches are full and people eat ham. But without all that, Easter might feel like just another day. Except it’s not. It’s not about pastel colors or brunch or sugar-covered marshmallows. Easter is about redemption. That’s what brings me joy.

Easter with Friends | Moving Peaces