Away We Go

If you haven’t yet seen this movie, it might be worth it. Other than a strange start and a few awkward moments, I really enjoyed this movie as it definitely resonated with me. In short, it’s about a couple traveling around the country to find out where they should live. Their reasoning is prompted by an unplanned pregnancy – which is not the case for us. Just the same, for them it was about being open to everything and trying to figure out where they belonged.

Traveling is probably what makes me feel most alive, and we had the privilege of taking a few trips of our own. Since changing jobs last summer we have gotten to see and experience snippets and surrounding areas of Germany, Kansas City, St. Louis, Nashville, Branson, Portland, Minneapolis and now, Chicago.

We’re visiting friends, visiting towns and discovering more about who we are and how we relate to one another. While on the road, you have no choice but to consider your life and where it’s going. On these trips we’ve made some serious decisions, fought, laughed, cried, dreamed and just been there for each other. I wouldn’t trade it.

Click to view trailer.

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