Because our twenties are the capstone of this last critical period, they are, as one neurologist said, a time of “great risk and great opportunity.” … Never again will we be so quick to learn new things. Never again will it be so easy to become the people we hope to be. The risk is that we may not act now.
Quote: Quit
Quit Stuff …to give yourself room to grow and to give God room to work. The patterns of life can weigh down and hold back. Quitting things forces you forward to explore new opportunities, to try new things you wouldn’t have time for otherwise and to fill your life with things that are fresh, different and dangerous.
Bob Goff in a recent article in Relevant Magazine
I can’t quite decide what to think about this. Goff apparently goes to extreme measures and quits something every Thursday—leases, jobs, furniture, board positions, volunteering. While that’s a bit too much for me, I think there’s some wisdom behind this idea. In a lot of ways, that’s what happened when we moved. Is it time to quit something already?
Photo: First Day
First day of work!
Inspiration: Dreaming
a story for tomorrow. from gnarly bay on Vimeo.
Dreaming. We may have just moved across the country essentially on a whim, but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped dreaming of new and different adventures for our life together.
Photo: First Day
Isn’t he handsome? Hubby’s first day of work is today, and I am so excited for him. Seriously. Life is crazy and within two weeks of moving out, he was offered this job. As of today, he is now a producer of a nationally syndicated radio show, and I’m sure he is just the guy for the job. Before his last job, he worked in radio and certainly knows the ins and outs of recording and producing audio. I’m eager to hear later today how it went and of course, how well that outfit suited his new workplace.
Photo: Decor
We cashed in on our Pier 1 giftcard from a bridal shower I received two years ago and bought what has been officially deemed as our first “non-functional decorative purchase” we’ve made as a couple. There it sits in our poorly lit living room next to our empty fireplace. Big things are happening here people, in case you couldn’t tell.
Birthday Video Project
When you have some spare time on your hands and a special birthday is coming up, you can have a little more fun with it. Here’s one of the many things we’ve done in the past two weeks that would have been more difficult to do while working a job. Allow me to introduce you to a family of hams (and wonderfully creative people).
Purpose: Happy Birthday (to hubby’s dad)
Main Players: Sister-in-law, brother-in-law, hubby and myself
Cameos: Niece and Nephew
Final Outcome: Big Laughs
What day of the week is it?
Do you remember the last time you brushed your teeth?
When’s the last time I showered?
(Signs you are unemployed)
Photo: NC
We live here now! What, what!
Photo: Arthur
Ready for a road trip!