Thursday Three

Ever want to only talk about happy things? Not to make it sound like I’ve got life figured out or don’t have hard days, because that’s not accurate. Sometimes it’s more fun though to talk about the good and the happy, so today we’re going to do just that. Because really, I’ve had a pretty good week. Nothing crazy or epic, just lots of little enjoyable moments I don’t want to forget.

1. Let’s laugh–a lot. There’s a reason I’m a writer and not a comedian. My timing is terrible. I get so excited or nervous about the punchline that I struggle through the words until the end of the story. But thankfully, there are those people out there who know how to tell a good joke and on Friday we saw one of our favorites, Mr. Jim Gaffigan.

2. Let’s go for a ride. When friends of ours invited us to float down a river for several hours this weekend, there was one clear answer: HECK YES. So I challenge you, go for a ride. Your choice–bicycle, paddleboat, roller coaster, horse or car–but go feel the wind in your hair, breeze on your face…uhh, water on your toes? All I know is that it doesn’t need to be fancy, but it might just be the highlight of your week. (For the record, taking a picture of four tubes all floating in different directions is way harder than it looks.) 

River Rafting | Moving Peaces

3. Let’s live life full of whimsy. I’m borrowing a phrase from Bob Goff, an amazing person and storyteller, who encourages us all to live with whimsy. Well, an opportunity presented itself this week that we just couldn’t pass up. A five-year-old neighbor friend of ours has been on a quest lately to catch a rabbit and even set up a little rabbit incentive by way of carrots and arrows on Sunday. The only reasonable thing to do would be to call every Dollar Store in town in search of what the clerk kept referring to as a “stuffed rabbit” in order to promptly buy it and leave it surrounded by some carrots. Perhaps it’s ridiculous, but I sure had fun with it and I’d like to think the girl and her family did, too (not to mention their friends on Facebook who were getting regular photo updates). We slid under the radar and got to spread a little whimsy, even if just for the day.

Going Rabbit Hunting | Moving Peaces

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