Thursday Three

This has been a quick and busy week. Let’s not waste any time and just cut to the chase, shall we?

1. Trying something old in a new way makes you better. Read that five times fast. This week the hubby and I decided it was high time to play some tennis. After a serious calf injury last summer, I had been a little tennis shy earlier this spring so we steered away from it. Monday night we hit the courts thinking we were just going to play a quick set. Turns out, a meetup group had reserved all of the courts. Our options were to go home or join them! Suddenly, we found ourselves playing doubles in a semi-competitive setting. All of my muscles were incredibly sore the next day, but the entire thing completely revived my love of tennis. I can’t wait to get back there for another meetup!

2. Going out of your comfort zone can extend your comfort zone. This week I had my first official presentation for work, which entailed a five minute speech and 20 minute presentation for a group of about 30 people. A small group, but I had to know what I was talking about and have a call to action at the end. Whew! One down…dozens to go! I’m glad though to be working on my presentation skills and becoming more comfortable in this setting.

Presentation skills...more like presentation suit

3. Get some fresh air and find out what inspires you. Last week I felt overwhelmed with all I had to do. Between a busy week and a lot of details to take care of, I was wearing a little thin. While I haven’t completely caught up on sleep, this week has felt completely different. The weather has been awesome and almost every day this week I’ve spent a good amount of time outside to leave me feeling refreshed. Between working with people doing awesome projects and writing in new forms, I’ve found some real passion and excitement in my side projects which is very encouraging.

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  • Scoochie Mama

    So good to hear that you are back on the courts!