Time Crept

While most are realizing Christmas is days away and there are a million things left to do, it’s not the top of my mind. What I’m coming to terms with is a job complete. My brain tried sorting through it before but eventually settled on pushing it off until later since I was technically still working that job.

Right before Thanksgiving I quit the job I had here in North Carolina. I don’t like to think of myself as a quitter, but maybe I am. Maybe I want to say “stop the monotony” and “don’t settle” to anyone who will listen. Is quitting the answer? Not always. Was it this time? Yes.

Hours after quitting, they asked me to stay on as a contractor until Christmas. This meant that I was basically doing the same job but at an hourly rate and without benefits. It also meant that I had been given some extra time before really considering all that had happened.

I think the full realization will finally hit after Christmas. When everyone else returns to work, and I suddenly find myself without a job or knowledge of what it might be. Maybe then I’ll be able to wrap my head around the whirlwind of the last few months. Arriving in a new state, knowing next to no one and taking a job despite some serious hesitations. Pondering things like purpose, value and worth. Trying to find how and where I’ve gone wrong to wind up in a place of such uncertainty in my “career path.” Because suddenly, I’ve finished my last day—for real this time. I haven’t a clue what’s around the bend. I’ve been here before, all too recently, when we packed up and headed across the country with little to no plan. But this time it almost feels more real. Or maybe I just never spent enough time reflecting on it the first time.

Either way, it’s here now and right up in my face.

Gettin’ Real Educated

In the stack of library books I took home tonight was a GRE prep book. Wait, what? I must admit, pursuing a master’s degree has been a fleeting thought before, but not one that has ever progressed this far. I can’t say what it means or speak to the implications of what may follow. Maybe I’ll never look at a single page. Maybe I’ll ace the test. I’m sure that I can’t do both of those…”one or none of the above” would be the correct answer here. We’ll see. Tonight is not the night, I’ve got a date with the hubby, a movie and some Trader Joe’s, so it’ll sit in my library bag for now. At the very least, I should probably find out what GRE stands for before going much further…because I have a feeling “Gettin’ Real Educated” is not its hidden meaning.