Thursday Three

Thursday Three

This was a week of simply being, so I’ve got three things to be more often.

1. Be willing. Some opportunities are there, you just have to be willing to take them. This is definitely one of those, you-never-know-what-could-happen kind of things…but for real…you never know. I took a chance this week on a few of those opportunities. Not sure how they’ll turn out, but so glad to know that I went for it anyway. Sometimes it’s just a matter of extending the invitation, hitting the submit button or doing that thing you said you were going to do ages ago.

2. Be thoughtful. Who is someone that wants to hear from you right now?  Who can you be a good friend to or how can you brighten someone’s day?

3. Be spontaneous. I’m a big planner so spontaneity is something I enjoy but not something that always happens. The highlight of my week by far was this impromptu, dressed up date night. When you realize you have an old Groupon, and you’re pretty hungry at 9 o’clock on a Sunday night, it’s suddenly an adventure.

Date Night | Moving Peaces

That Girl

Five years ago on a warm spring day with the sense of change in the air, I found this skirt. Feeling artistic after visiting too many art galleries and in the mood to be spontaneous, I bought it on a whim. I was having fun with friends at a cute little vintage shop downtown when I saw it and knew in that moment I could become that girl.

green skirt

That girl in the bright green skirt with red lace. That girl who was cool and confident—able to wear anything that fit. That girl who was fun and inspiring, with a sense of adventure and excitement. I wanted it all and knew $14 later, I would be that much closer.

Guess what?

The tags are still on it. That skirt has moved with me 6 times now, always with the hope that one day I’d find the top that somehow matches and the right occasion to take it off the hanger. It’s time to stop. Stuff can’t define someone. That skirt was not going to change me any more than yesterday’s haircut. Furthermore, it’s well past time to stop romanticizing about the power of such a gaudy skirt. It’s time instead to open it up for someone else to own it. With any luck it will actually be worn in the next five years.

goodwill box