Are we nuts?

Okay, this is becoming real. Too real. We’ve talked about moving for months, years. We’ve looked for jobs, even had a few interviews – nothing that’s officially come through. Finding a job halfway across the country isn’t easy. We aren’t CEOs or executives. The type of work we’ll be doing could probably be done by dozens (ahem, hundreds?) of other people. From a practical standpoint, there’s not a whole lot of reason for a company to bother with us and all of the hassle of phone interviews, different time zones, relocation, etc. So the logical thing is to just move, right? To eliminate that hassle for these future employers of ours? Gosh, I hope so.

It’s hard to focus on much else around here. The hubby admitted to starting to distance himself from life here while I’m trying to do/see/visit everything “one last time” before we go. But if we don’t cling to these coping mechanisms, then we have more time to consider exactly what we’re about to do. We have a decent life here. Are we really going to give that all up? Really? What. The. Heck.

Somebody, talk me into it! Quick!

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