So Much, So Nothing


Sun's Behind a Rock

Ever have those days where there is so much to say that you end up not being able to say much at all? It’s how you felt when your mom picked you up from school as a kid and asked how your day was. “Good” or “Fine” was all you could muster up in response. Still, she would press for details, but you had hit you maximum mental capacity for questions and instead rode home in silence or started singing along with the radio.

I can’t say that there’s nothing on my mind or that I have writer’s block, but I also don’t know that I have much more than “fine” to say. The last few weeks have been long–good–but long. I’m thinking about the people I’ve seen, met and talked to. There have been moments I’ve loved but also moments I keep going over in my head as if it will somehow make more sense later. I have huge and exciting plans for the future and new found dreams, thoughts and ideas in my head. A few times this week I’ve pulled over and stopped the car just to jot down all the things that seem to tumble through my mind, yet don’t feel like I know where that writing belongs or who should read it.

Right now I could jump up and down and tell you how excited I am about our upcoming trip to Argentina. I could pick your brain on anything from the teams in the Super Bowl to the very best life experience you’ve ever had. I could admit my fears and failures or share in the joy of my latest big dream. Or I could not talk at all, because in some ways, there’s nothing so interesting that it needs to be discussed immediately.

Each day we get to experience this wide range of emotions. One thing makes us feel ecstatic and the next makes us question and doubt. So to sum it all up as one thought or feeling almost feels like robbing the day of the rest of it.

To answer your question, I’m fine. My day was good. I’m just glad to get to spend another day on this earth.  Soon we’ll find out what tomorrow will bring, but at the end of the day, it will probably be just as “good”.

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  • rachelrfischer

    Totally understand that feeling. Enjoyed our coffee time. 😉