Song: Last Love

“And although I am young I will never outgrow my love for you, I will never give you up”

Last Love by Matrimony

Happened upon this lovely couple/family band during the art festival this weekend and was struck my their music and their marriage. It reminded me of our love. While we may have struggles and even sometimes need personal space, I really truly love my husband. On tumblr I see so many pictures of sweet love and see the longing for it in the comments. Here we are—husband and wife—together. We are in it for the long haul but also for the blissful moments that weave in and out of our lives when we can catch them. Sometimes those moments come during the sounds of singing and playing music together, sometimes it’s in the quiet of the morning as the sun peaks through the windows. Let it be known, I am so thoroughly content and in love with that man.

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